Back door suitable for fitting dog flap. It would be locked when there were no humans about but it would be nice for the dogs to be able to go in and out when we are home without having to leave the door open the whole time. What with my fly phobia and all.
Somewhere to store a caravan, or access to the back garden for a caravan. we don't have one but we would like one - one day and it would be nice to know we had space for it.
Garden big enough to build a Lego town in it. I know this sounds stupid but it's something we decided we wanted to do the first time we went to Legoland about 9 years ago and if we buy the house we really like with the really long garden we could do this. We wouldn't go out and buy all the Lego sets or even any more Lego, we have plenty enough in Bryn's room to do this already. It would also solve the problem of what to do with all the Lego that Bryn has cos we don't want to get rid of it but we really do have far too much to keep in a bedroom.
A kitchen big enough to have a settee in it, not a massive one, just somewhere for the dogs to sit so their beds are not taking up the entire floor space and we're all constantly tripping over them all the time.
A larder. we had one in Bristol and I really miss it.
A room downstairs for the kids to use separate to the lounge. If the kitchen is big enough to put a full size dining table in then the dining room would do for this room because it's not like we ever use the dining room except at Christmas or when we've got guests and we never have guests anymore cos I don't think people like the dogs as much as we do.
Lounge that doesn't look out over the street, or if it does look out over the street then the street must be quiet enough that it doesn't set Bessie off barking like a lunatic every few minutes.
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