We has had a very good and fun day today. Mummy is now off work for 11 days so for the first day of our holidays we did go to Tredegar Park and run a few errands on the way.
First we went to Tesco but doggies is not allowed in Tesco so Tom and Bryn and us waited outside and Mummy and Katie went in to buy some sandwiches. Mummy was supposed to be making a picnic lunch but someone (i.e. Lotty pulled the bag of bread rolls off the worktop and ate the lot). There was some little farm animals in a little fency thing outside Tesco and the man came over and said we could go and see them if we liked cos they liked dogs. So we did. There was a black piggy, him was cute and me and Carly did do nose kisses with him. There was a shetland pony and some sheeps and lambs and chikins and bunny rabbits.
Then Mummy and Katie came back with the picnic and we went to Boots to get some hairspray cos Katie said she NEEDS hairspray and she can't live without it. So we waited on a bench with Tom and Bryn and there was a lady sat on the bench talking very loudly on her phone. Then Bryn put his sunglasses on Lotty and the lady turned round and said to the person on the phone "Oh I've just seen a dog in raybans"
Then we went to Tredegar Park. We did park down the lane behind so we didn't have to pay £3 for the car park and we went in and sat on the grass. The humans ate their sandwiches and Bryn didn't want his doritos so he fed them to us and then we went for a walk and the humans tried to get us to do agility leaping over a big log. But I was the only one who could do it. Yay me! Carly ran off to bother some people what was having a picnic and Mummy ran after her and the lady said "I think she ate a roll or something, I'm sorry" and Mummy was very cross with Carly for stealing someone's picnic (and spoiling her diet but her not tell the lady that, her just say she very sorry for her norty doggy's behaviour)
Then a weimaraner splashed me as I was peering into the stream. Me did forgive him cos I is nice and I do like weimys. And then we went back to the car cos Mummy needed to go to Pets at Home before tea.
In Pets at Home there was food spilled all over the floor so we did eat it up cos we is good at tidying like that. I found one of them green waxy things shaped like a toothbrush so I ate it. Mummy spent a million pounds. her bought 2 bags frozen chicken, 3 antigulp bowls, 3 tennis balls, toothpaste, carpet cleaner, a spray that goes HISSSSSS if you is being norty and this little pad thing that picks fluff up. Her was very pleased with her pad thing, her says it is very good. And we did try collars on cos we like trying things on and there was a man and a lady in the collars aisle trying collars on a teeny tiny 4 month old yorkshire terrier and Mummy got all silly like she does around babies and was oochy coochying him. Then Katie did sneak out the shop with me before the boy on the till tried to make me pay for my sweeties. Mummy say no way would she have paid for something I found rolling round in the dirt on the floor.
Then we come home and Daddy was mowing the lawn and Mummy said he looked like Andy Pandy cos he had a stripy shirt on. Then we had tea in our new bowls. Them is very annoying cos it took AGES to eat us dinners. And the humans had chikin kiev and loads of yucky vegetables and Mummy had a banana after and it was bad inside but her threw it in the bin instead of letting us eat it for her.

First we went to Tesco but doggies is not allowed in Tesco so Tom and Bryn and us waited outside and Mummy and Katie went in to buy some sandwiches. Mummy was supposed to be making a picnic lunch but someone (i.e. Lotty pulled the bag of bread rolls off the worktop and ate the lot). There was some little farm animals in a little fency thing outside Tesco and the man came over and said we could go and see them if we liked cos they liked dogs. So we did. There was a black piggy, him was cute and me and Carly did do nose kisses with him. There was a shetland pony and some sheeps and lambs and chikins and bunny rabbits.
Then Mummy and Katie came back with the picnic and we went to Boots to get some hairspray cos Katie said she NEEDS hairspray and she can't live without it. So we waited on a bench with Tom and Bryn and there was a lady sat on the bench talking very loudly on her phone. Then Bryn put his sunglasses on Lotty and the lady turned round and said to the person on the phone "Oh I've just seen a dog in raybans"
Then we went to Tredegar Park. We did park down the lane behind so we didn't have to pay £3 for the car park and we went in and sat on the grass. The humans ate their sandwiches and Bryn didn't want his doritos so he fed them to us and then we went for a walk and the humans tried to get us to do agility leaping over a big log. But I was the only one who could do it. Yay me! Carly ran off to bother some people what was having a picnic and Mummy ran after her and the lady said "I think she ate a roll or something, I'm sorry" and Mummy was very cross with Carly for stealing someone's picnic (and spoiling her diet but her not tell the lady that, her just say she very sorry for her norty doggy's behaviour)
Then a weimaraner splashed me as I was peering into the stream. Me did forgive him cos I is nice and I do like weimys. And then we went back to the car cos Mummy needed to go to Pets at Home before tea.
In Pets at Home there was food spilled all over the floor so we did eat it up cos we is good at tidying like that. I found one of them green waxy things shaped like a toothbrush so I ate it. Mummy spent a million pounds. her bought 2 bags frozen chicken, 3 antigulp bowls, 3 tennis balls, toothpaste, carpet cleaner, a spray that goes HISSSSSS if you is being norty and this little pad thing that picks fluff up. Her was very pleased with her pad thing, her says it is very good. And we did try collars on cos we like trying things on and there was a man and a lady in the collars aisle trying collars on a teeny tiny 4 month old yorkshire terrier and Mummy got all silly like she does around babies and was oochy coochying him. Then Katie did sneak out the shop with me before the boy on the till tried to make me pay for my sweeties. Mummy say no way would she have paid for something I found rolling round in the dirt on the floor.
Then we come home and Daddy was mowing the lawn and Mummy said he looked like Andy Pandy cos he had a stripy shirt on. Then we had tea in our new bowls. Them is very annoying cos it took AGES to eat us dinners. And the humans had chikin kiev and loads of yucky vegetables and Mummy had a banana after and it was bad inside but her threw it in the bin instead of letting us eat it for her.
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