We went to Cosmeston Lakes. We ate the picnic on the grass by the car. We had a chikin wing and some snossijs and a bite of Bryn's fish finger sandwich what I sneaked when he wasn't looking. The humans had fish finger sandwiches and spring rolls and cocktail snossijs and dried apples and figs (hippies).
Then we went for our walk. Mummy took the hissy spray cos there was lots of other dogs about and Carly can be anti social sometimes. We met a HUGE deerhound and a black staffy and 2 whippets and about eleventytwelve greyhounds and a husky and a golden retriever wearing a babys bib (don't ask, I didn't. Them was polish I think) and 2 miniature dachshunds and a beagle and a choclit labrador and a schnoodle and a lurcher and 2 cocker spaniels (one was normal and one was in full Crufts hair - odd) and a teeny jack russell and erm I can't remember any more right now. Anyway no bassets, we was the only ones.
Mummy didn't need to use the hissy spray once. Carly was a very good girl and we was all very pleased with her. Then Lotty found a dead maggoty rabbit and wanted to bring it on the walk and Tom tried to pull her away and she dropped it on his shoe and he squealed like a girl and we all did laugh except Mummy who shouted NO YOU'RE NOT BRINGING A MAGGOTY RABBIT ON THE WALK and 2 joggers nearly did fall into a hedge.
Then we walked through a boggy marsh and we did get all muddy all over and we went down by the lakes and watched this husky lose his green ball when he bitted through it and it sank. Him was very sad and didn't want to get out the water.
Then Lotty jumped down a ditch and had to be pulled out. Her wasn't hurt, her just embarrassed.

Then we went to a chippy and the humans had chips and coke and us doggies just had chips and we listened to these 2 ladies at the next table having a conversation very loudly. One of them said men over 40 disgusted her and she liked men about 30. Her was at least 55. Good luck with that.
Then we came home and had tea and watched X Factor and Casualty.
WoW wot a gweat day!!! Too bad about the maggoty wabbit, they awe mowe fun when you can chase them anyway.