I didn't have a very relaxing sleep. Carly was scratching and Lotty was chewing her toenails and the bed was shaking. Then we heard Mrs next door having a delivery from the Asda man and he was making lots of noise banging his crates and slamming doors so we shouted SHUT UP WE'RE TRYING TO SLEEP.

Then the TNT man came with Bryn's xbox. So we ran downstairs to say hello but mummy locked us in the lounge cos she thought we were going to eat him. There was a note in the box that said they had mended it but when Tom turned it on it still isn't working so we think maybe it is the power cable that's broken cos they told us not to send that in with the xbox. So we has to get a new power cable now from somewhere to see if that's what's wrong with it.
Then Katie came back from pretend school and her and Tom took us out for a walk cos mummy was getting cross with Lotty and Carly play fighting on the hall floor that she had just mopped. It rained while we was out and we did get quite wet. We went down the village and apparently we nearly tripped an old lady up. We would have said sorry except she decided to shout to the entire village "look at that, she nearly knocked me over, I could have been killed" and she got all the people around her muttering and giving Katie and Tom dirty looks. Mummy said it's a good job she wasn't there or she wouldn't have just been nearly killed. Mummy gets very over protective when people disrespect her family, she like one of them gangland mums, or a lioness.
When we comed home we had a nap on the settee and then it was time for tea and after tea me and Lotty had a dentastik and Carly had a tripe stick and then we watched Eastenders. We only watch it every couple months cos it's so depressing and rubbish. But every time we watch it that Cat woman is sleeping with another man. She is a bad bad lady I think.
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