Thursday, 19 July 2012

Just some random thoughts. By Bessie

We noticed looking at the blog that most posts haven't been viewed by anyone.  This is OK, it's not like we writed a novel and nobody wants to buy it.  We just going to keep on writing our inane nonsense and eventually someone will be interested enough to read it.

We did think we would tell you, the imaginary viewer a little bit about usselves today.  There is me, Bessie, I am a basset hound.  I am supposed to be 5 but Mummy does think maybe the RSPCA told a little fib and actually I'm 97.  I don't remember how old I is.  I like to sleep mostly.  Sometimes I stand in the window and bark at people passing the house.  I don't like people passing the house.  It makes me cross.  I am forced to go on walks twice a day with my humans.  I don't really enjoy this, it's hard work.  Sometimes we go on long walks with other basset hounds from the walking club but not very often.  I don't mind these walks, they is quite fun.

I has 2 basset sisters.  Their names are Carly and Lotty.  Carly is 3.  She used to live at the puppy farm but she got rescued by Miss Sylvia from Many Tears  Rescue.  Miss Sylvia is an angel, we do love her.  Carly was very very thin when we gotted her.  She couldn't walk and she was scared of everybody.  Now she is good fun, we do like to snuggle up together.  Carly has bad skin and she is allergic to lots of things but now we spent a bazillion pounds finding out what she is allergic to so she is not so bad and she doesn't have to wear a cone all the time any more.

Lotty is 2.  She was brought in to us as a owner surrender to Basset Hound Welfare.  Mummy is one of their reps and Lotty was supposed to get rehomed but we decided to keep her in the end cos we love her so much.  This makes us foster failures.  Lotty is teeny tiny and very silly.  She loves to playfight and howl and run all over.  She likes running and jumping and muddy puddles.  I don't think she even realises she is a basset hound.  We can't wait to take her on her first big basset walk, she will love to meet all our friends.

I did come from the RSPCA.  I was brought in the week before Christmas in 2010.  I used to make lots of babies to make someone lots of money but they decided they didn't want me anymore.  I met my new family on Christmas Eve 2010.  It was love at first sight.  I came home for good on 5th January 2011 and I has stayed here ever since.  Every night I sleep under the duvet with Mummy with my head on her pillow.  Lotty sleeps by Mummy's feet and Carly snuggles with Daddy.

And then there is Mummy.  She is a human.  She works in a office sometimes and sometimes she stays home and looks after us and sometimes she does work for Basset Hound Welfare but she only gets paid when she is working in a office.  Not our office at home where Spicy the cat did a wee and it smells bad ALL the time.  Mummy's office is in a warehouse.  It is dirty and smelly.  Once we all went there on a Sunday and the boss was not there so we did eat all the biscuits out of the biscuit tin and the minihumans ate all the chocolates out of the chocolate box.

We is trying to sell our house at the moment so Mummy is pretty obsessed with that at the moment.  We has people coming to view it sometimes but nobody has wanted to buy it yet.  This makes us sad cos we has seen 2 houses we want to buy.  We don't know which we want most cos they is both good but if we don't sell our house soon they will both be gone and then we will have nowhere.

When we is not shouting at people or stressing about keeping the house tidy and covering up bad smells we like to talk to our friends on facebook.  We has lots of friends there.  There is lots of bad people and sometimes they is so horrible that we think about leaving, Mummy has even closed her account a few times.  But we would miss our friends too much so we will stay til we get thrown off for being naughty bridge dwelling corpulent trolls.

We also has other people in our family.  There is Daddy, he sells engineering plastic.  I think this is his job not his hobby.  He has a bicycle but I never seen him ride it.  He likes to go swimming, eat toblerones and say silly things.  Not necessarily all at the same time.  

We has 3 minihumans, they are age 19, 12 (13 next week) and 11 (last week).  The biggest minihuman does go to college.   He likes to go to college cos it means he doesn't have to get a job.  When he is not at college he plays on his Xbox and takes us for walks.  The middle minihuman doesn't go to school.  Her didn't get expelled.  Mummy took her out cos the school is horrid and full of bullies.  Now she goes to a place where she gets tutored one to one.  She does like this much better.   Littlest minihuman finished primary school yesterday.  If we hasn't moved house by 2nd September he is going to have to go to the horrid school that Katie was removed from.  This is not good but it looks like it is going to happen.  

We also has other pet siblings.  Spicy the cat is 15 1/2.  She hates us dogs and is always getting us into trouble.  She sits on the shed roof and taunts us so we bark.  Then Daddy comes out and shouts.  He only shouts at us, he always takes Spicy's side.  She is really quite evil but Mummy says she is a little old lady and we has to be more tolerant cos old people can be a bit bad tempered sometimes.

Lyndsey is a bunny rabbit.  She is almost 9.  She is quite cute, she is a very fast runner.  We are not allowed to chase her cos she is a little old lady too.

Horace is a tortoise, him is 5.  He has a girlfriend called Daisy, she is a Pug.

Finny the newt was rescued from a pet shop, they wanted to get rid of him so they could use the tank to keep stingrays so they let us have him for free.  They never did get the stingrays.  Good job really, the tank was nowhere near big enough.

And finally there is all the fish.  Jedediah is my favourite, he is a pleccypotomus.  Mummy's favourite is a ghost koi called Krypto.

And that's us really. We is not very interesting, Bessie and Mummy but we has fun and we likes to waffle.


  1. nice to read about you all... You are very funny Bessie.. we have 2 cats here and 4 dachshunds.. but no other critters.. we would probably dead a bunnie.. we like to chase the wild ones out of our yard..

  2. I love your blog! I would have been reading it forever if I had known it was there! Very enjoyable and I'm glad your mummy let you stay on FB because we would all miss you so much. Lots of love from Bentley, Bimmer and Turbo's mummy, Bonnie

  3. i luv you Bessie and youw family, and lissening to you want (which sounds like can't not taunt). And i yam vewy happy that youw hoo-siss is getting tutowed 1 to 1 and not 1 on 1, because, well that's just the way it's supposed to be.

    Luv Alice


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