We is still on our barf diet. Today for tea we had chikin mince, pilchards and a puree of carrots, apple, pear and banana. And for pudding we had a chikin wing. Mummy wanted us to split up while we was eating our wings so we not fight so Katie had to watch Lotty. Well she was crunching on the bones and Katie was retching. It was very funny. Her wishes we was all vegetablists like her. But she had scrambled egg on toast for tea and we not fancy that.
Mummy went to Tesco and bought loads of foodies that was reduced price and she did put all the veggies through the blender and put them in little jelly moulds in the freezer. She made pots of brocolli, cauliflower, cabbage & leek, and apple pear and banana. I think that one might be my favourite. And we is going to have a little bit with our meaties every day. And her bought a big tray of chikin wings to freeze. But we was being good girls so she said we could all have one tonight.
It's Katie's birthday tomorrow. Her is going to be 13. Daddy say at some point during the night her going to turn into a teenage monster and storm into the bedroom to tell us all how much she hates us. I not know what we going to do for her birthday yet. I think the humans probly go out for dinner and her probly want to go shopping to spend her birthday money.
Last night it was very hot. Lotty was pacing round the bedroom all night. Mummy needed to sleep cos she had to leave for work at 6.50am and she thinks she did get about half an hour sleep in the end, what with Lotty pacing and this big hairy black fly sitting on her every few minutes and all the mosquitoes buzzing round the room biting everybody. Anyway her says she is going to have a early night after her helped me write this and we has watched the Olympic opening ceremony (which by the way so far is a little bit lamo). Lotty is pacing again, I think her needs to go for a walk, her needs more exercise than me and Carly.
The night before last Lotty had a playdate with Alfred, he is the baby basset I told you about who lives round the corner. His mummy came round to ask for some advice so mummy took Lotty round to see what he was like with other bassets cos him not know any other bassets. Well, they played and played. And his humans was a bit nervous and they kept asking if they were ok, and mummy say it ok they just playing. After a while though Lotty had enough and she jumped onto the window ledge so mummy say it time to go and Lotty and Alfred had a little kissy and they came home. Mummy looking out for a older girl basset to keep him company
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