Sunday, 21 October 2012

A dead squirrel coated in creosote and pooed on? By Bessie

So on Friday it was Mummy's day off from work so we had breakfast then Mummy took Lotty to agility training.  Her is good at the jumping and the tunnel and the beam and the a frame but rubbish at the weave poles.  Miss Connie say her thought if there was anything Lotty would not be good at it would be the weave poles cos her is so long.  So there not a lot we can do about that, her just has to learn how to do it.  Then they come home and we all went for a walk round our castle.  When we got to the car park Mummy put me and Lotty on leads but her say she trust Carly not to run off cos Carly a good girl.  Only Carly seen a squirrel and run off and stood in the middle of the football pitch.  Carly loves squirrels.  So we all had to go onto the football pitch and get her.  Lucky there was nobody playing on it.  Then we come home and had a sleep and Mummy went to get the minihumans from school and Katie had her friend over and we did all have a cuddle with Katie's friend.

On Saturday we did go to Tredegar Park for a run about.  We had a lovely roll about but then I may have found something to roll in.  Mummy says it smelled like someone had done a poo of dead squirrel and creosote.  So then we went to pick Katie up from her friends and we come home and we all had baffs.

Today we went to Pets at Home.  Mummy was going to buy us all a new collar but then her decided it was too expensive so her would just get one a month and Katie said Lotty should go first cos her has never had a collar what wasn't a handmedown and me say that's the way it is when you is the youngest.  But anyway Mummy did buy her a purple spotty collar

Then she got some frozen tripe for Carly's tea and then we went to Caerwent and we went for a run round the castle and we was all careful not to roll in anything cos we not want another baff.  Carly seen a squirrel and she run around shouting SKWIRREL SKWIRREL!  Her is obsessed.  Her says her going to write a cookbook of skwirrel recipes.  Here is a recipe she give me:

Skwirrel Pie:

Take one skwirrel.  Take one meat an tata pie.  Eat de miggle out de meat an tata pie.  Put de skwirrel in de pie.  Serve wiff mash tatas an gwavy.

Then we come home and had a sleep


  1. Oooh! Dat bees da posh collar,me can't wait to see yours and Carly's when you does get dem.Me fink Carly bees hiwairwious wid hers skwirrel obsesshon and hers wecipe sounds dewicious.Me not catched one eider and der bees one dat wuns awong ours fence teasin me all da time.Me will catch him one day. :-)

  2. If you ever catch one bring it to Carly and she will make you some slap up nosh


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