Then in the evening Inca, MummyLouise and DaddyKeith came to stay. Me so excited for my sister Inca to stay. The humans had their dinner and then we all sitted in the lounge and Inca did sit on the settee with Lotty then we did go to bed.
In the morning we did all get up early and we all went for a walk so we could show Inca our castle. We did all run around and have fun and Carly found some sheep poo and she tried to roll in it so Mummy had to chase her across the field and Carly kept stopping and looking at Mummy and she would shout NO ROLLY and then Carly would run off again. Then we came to a field of sheeps so we all had to go on our leads and the sheeps was sat right in the path so we did run down the path and the sheeps run off then them was following us like them thought them was hard or something. But them is not hard, them is sheeps.
Then we come home and the humans had bacon and egg rolls and then Mummy went with MummyLouise, DaddyKeith and Inca to Many Tears.
But then it time to go home so MummyLouise did go in the office and sign all the paperwork for Rufus and them all got in the car and Inca and Rufus did sit in the back with DaddyKeith and them was all very good and all 3 went to sleep and cuddled and it was very cute.
Then them came home and Inca and Rufus came in for a drink and them had a wee in the garden and we all sniffed each other and then it was time for them to go home. We did have a lovely weekend and it was so nice to meet my in laws. Me did wish Blue was there though.
Aw, that's such a lovely story Bessie. Welcome to the family Rufus. You will never be able to replace Blue but you will be much loved and bring lots of light to everone's lives xxx
ReplyDeleteDat bees da bootiful story.Me bees vewy happy dat Inca does ave Wufus as hers new fwiend and Wufus and da hoomans can all ave da happy times.Me does fink East bees da cutest wickle guy and him would make da gweat baby bwudder for you girls :-). Mudda not awowed anudder doggie cos dadda says we bees more dan enuff and der does bees wots of chaos in ours housie but mudda does fink what diffewence will one more make? Mudda wants to helps anudder bwind doggie but dadda not budgin on dis one. :-(
ReplyDeleteMe think we is in the same boat here Tiger. Daddy say we snuck Lotty in and we not getting away with it again