On Tuesday Mummy was driving round with the petrol light flashing. So her went to Tesco on the way home from work but the petrol station was shut and she said she refuse to pay Texaco prices and what with the Texaco being the only other one around her say her rather do without. Then Wednesday her never uses her car cos her goes into work with Daddy. So her says her will get some petrol on the way home from work on Thursday. But they got visitors and one person off sick in work so her ends up leaving late cos her has too much to do, then getting stuck in the school traffic from all the annoying parents who use the industrial estate as a short cut so her not got time to get petrol before her goes to get the minihumans from their school. By the time her got them and driven back to Tesco the poor car is juddering all over the place cos it so thirsty. Mummy practically rolls it into the petrol station and her does a big cheer cos she made it. Silly Mummy.
Today we had a viewing on the house. Mummy spends all morning cleaning and we do lots of helping by testing the comfiness of the new duvet cover (very comfy) and the bounciness of minihumans beds (very bouncy) and the barkiness of the lounge window (very barky).
Me interrupt this to remember this article we did read about writing what did say you should never say very, there is always a better word to use instead. So we is trying to think of words that mean:
- very comfy
- very bouncy
- very barky
We do give up. Maybe we is just not cut out for literary greatness. We should leave it to the experts; like Enid Blyton.
Anyway, so we helps lots and then Mummy says we has to go and sit in the car. So we do but then her goes back inside and hoovers the hall. Her must have forgotted we was going for a ride so we do shout her. We have to shout very loud cos Mummy quite deaf when her is hoovering. Mainly cos she likes to sing 80s soft rock ballads while she is hoovering for some strange reason, although her was singing Milli Vanilli at one point today. It was very loud and very awful and the back door was open.
Eventually her remembers her has left her three best girls in the car and her comes out and we goes for a drive. Except we doesn't cos her just drives round the corner where her can still see the house, then her gets out and goes back home. WITHOUT US! So we shout AGAIN.
Then Mr Geoff, the estate agent, comes and Mummy picks up a poo what someone else did on our lawn and her lets Mr Geoff in and then her comes and sits in the car and sings to us (badly) while we wait. Mummy we does not like the complete works of Maximo Park, you needs to put some new music in you car. The people what come to view the house stay for 16 minutes, this quite a long time. Once someone came and stayed for 6 minutes. When they gone Mummy is going to go and talk to Mr Geoff but him come out and get in his car and drive off in a hurry before her has a chance so her goes over to see if Aunty Sally wants to come for a cup of tea seeing as the house is clean enough for visitors for once. But Aunty Sally not in so we does have tea on our own. Then we goes for a walk then we has a nap then we all go to get the minihumans from school.
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