Sunday, 27 January 2013

fallovers, makeovers and sleepovers. By Bessie

So much has happened.  Where do me start?  So on Thursday it very icy.  Mummy drives all the minihumans to school.  She drops littlest minihumans as close as she can to school and says "Be careful".  But her can't get to the school what biggest minihuman works at cos it on a steep hill.  So him get out at the bottom of the hill and walk and Mummy says her sorry her can't go any further and him should be extra careful.  Anyway there was a big mountain of snow on the pavement so him goes to step on the road and slips on ice and falls off the kerb.  Him hurt his arm, his face and his bottom.  So he texts Mummy and says he hurt and her asks does he want her to take him to the hospital but him say he be ok.  That evening his arm does swell up and is hurting lots so on Friday morning Mummy does take him to the hospital.

It very busy at the hospital cos lots of people did fall on the ice and hurt themselves.  Mummy says you see all kinds of strange people down the hospital.  In the six hours them was there they seen a white man who thought him was a black rapper, a heavily pregnant woman spending her entire time outside smoking while her mum looked after her other child, a couple what were both wearing hiking boots three sizes too big what made them walk like T-Rexs.  Him was wearing a Russian hat with a soviet badge on it.  Her was dragging a suitcase on wheels which contained - amongst other things - a paperback book entitled "How to stop your doctor from killing you", a glass bottle of water, a box of cakes and a bunch of bananas.  

OH MY GOD I interrupt this to tell you I just pressed something, I don't know what it was but all my text disappeared so I pressed the back button and it said "You have unsaved changes.  Do you want to leave this page?"  And I thought that's not right so I said no, then I found the correct back button and all my text came back again.  Blimey, that was nearly as exciting and scary as that episode of the tweenies where Max dressed up as a prolific paedophile.

Anyway, I was telling you about the strange people down the hospital.  So them got triaged straight away but then had to wait for four hours to see a doctor.  He sent Tom straight to x ray and then them had to go and sit in the waiting room again.  But there was no seats cos it was so busy so them stood by the vending machines and Mummy say her will buy some food and a drink cos them haven't eaten all day and Mummy hasn't taken her tablets.  So first she goes to the machine what sells food and Tom says he'll have a flapjack what is 60p.  So Mummy puts a £1 coin in and the flapjack falls down but lands on top of another flapjack what is balanced on top of the flap what hasn't dropped down.  So Mummy sticks her hand up and shakes the machine and bashes it and presses the money back button but nothing happens.  AND THEN and only then does the woman sat closest to the machine say "That happened to me too.  That's my flapjack underneath".  WELL THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WARNING US!

So Mummy asks her if she told the receptionist and the woman says there's no point cos they don't own the machines but Mummy goes to the desk anyway and the receptionist says it's not their machine but the man what fills it leaves them an envelope of coins to give refunds, and her gives Mummy her £1 back.  Then  Mummy remember that the flapjack was only 60p so the machine should either give 40p change or have 40p credit but when she checks it looks like the machine stole her money and her flapjack.  Mummy tells the lady sat next to the machine she can ask for her money back too but she doesn't bother.  Tom says her was probably lying and just wanted the flapjack.

Then Mummy goes to the drinks machine and puts the £1 coin in what the receptionist just give her and it threw it back three times so Mummy think that machine must be broken too but then this other person comes in and uses it so it not broken, the £1 must be a fake or something.  If Mummy have a good look it probably say bank of fisher price on it.

Then the doctor call Tom in and show Mummy and Tom the x-ray and him has broken his radius ulna or something or other.  Him says they don't like to put a plaster cast on cos once the fluid has gone down then he has to start trying to keep it mobile.  So a nurse puts this splint thing on instead and then they go to Katie's friend Cerys's house to pick Katie and Bryn up cos them was waiting there and Cerys comes too for a sleepover and them pop to Tesco and them is trying to decide what to have for tea cos Mummy was sposed to go shopping today but didn't get chance, obviously her had more important things to deal with.  But them is so hungry them can't think about cooking so them get a big bag of kibble for me and Lotty and them go to the chip shop for tea instead.

On Saturday Katie and Cerys take Mummy to Cardiff to give her a makeover cos her dresses like a bag of rags/clown/toddler.  Them helps her choose a pink jumper, a green shirt and a new coat.  Katie wants to get some jeans and Mummy wants a skirt so they decide not to get either.    The boy humans go to the cinema to watch the Hobbit.  On the way home Daddy goes over a speedbump and Tom's arm hurts lots.

Today, Sunday, our friends Beau and Bones came for a sleep over.  Them brought their own beds, which we like lots and is sitting on with them.  Them has brought some nice foodies for their tea too, me might try and distract them so me can eat it.  We all did go for a walk together then when we come home we had a play fight and Carly got stuck in the stairgate - again *sighs* Idiot.  Then we had a sleep and Daddy and Katie took Cerys home and then Daddy come home and watched a football match and we sat in the dining room on Beau and Bones's beds and watched Mummy write this for me.

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