Sunday, 23 September 2012

Anybody want to buy a sister? By Bessie

My sister bassets are very naughty.  Them do give us all a bad name.

Carly did get the scent of a squirrel and she leapt a stream, climbed up a 15ft vertical bank and ran about 100 yards along the bank then leapt over a ravine and Katie had to climb up and fetch her back.  Her was like a mountain goat.  We has changed her name to Spiderdog.

Mummy was marinading some soya mince for the humans tea and her had put the last of the marmite in it and Carly did one of her megaleaps and pulled the bowl off the worktop right out of mummys hand and knocked  it on the floor so hard that it splatted all across the kitchen.  And there was mince and sauce all over the floor, under the cooker, up the kitchen wall, all over the kitchen door, on the hall floor, on the lounge door, on the toilet door and then we was all eating it off the floor and Mummy did go all mental on us and started screaming "GER ART O MAH KITCHEN".  Then her did sit on the floor and cry a bit and Daddy and Katie did help clean up the mess and then Daddy went to the shop to buy some marmite so Mummy could start again.

Then her went upstairs and did a wee on the new carpet.


  1. Me bees vewy sowwy bout yous mummy bein upsetted bout dis wickle hincident but me does has to say me bees vewy himpwessed by Carly's azility skills.Ours mudda does shout at us when we bees in hers kitchen and she does shoo us all out and close da baby gate so she bees wocked in by herself.We does fink she bees vewy mean and shellfish.We not knows what hers pwobwem bees cos we is all to wickle to counter surf and we would never,ever twy to twip hers up when she bees dishin up snossidjes. Me does have to say me finks Ms Sam did bees takin fings a bit far when she did go upstairs and wee on da carpet,dat does not be da good hexample to set to yous young ladies. Tee hee. :-) xxxxx

  2. Oh No! Me did make a mistake. Me blame my typist *glares at typist*. It was Lotty not Carly what knocked the dinner on the floor and it was Lotty not Mummy what did the wee on the new carpet


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