Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Our super lazy weekend, our friend Nelson and our baby cousin. By Bessie

This weekend Daddy, Katie and Bryn went to stay with Grandad.   Well, I say Katie did, she stayed one night then she went to her friend in Blackburn for the rest of the weekend.   Daddy, Bryn and Grandad went to an Italian restaurant for their lunch.    Bryn said he felt overdressed.  Mummy said he shouldn't worry, it's quite a novelty to see a thirteen year old in a cravat these days.  He swears he wasn't wearing a cravat.  But Grandad probably was.  In fact when they got home Mummy described the outfit Grandad wore to the restaurant and said even though it was 40 degrees out he still had an umbrella.   Daddy said he was wearing the outfit Mummy described and he did have an umbrella.  And he offered Daddy and Bryn an umbrella each and they declined.  But when they got there he took three umbrellas out of the boot and tried to get them to take one each.

Katie texted Tom and Mummy the same text.  Even though she knew they were together.  She does things like that.  The text said, "What do I order from McDonalds?"
Mummy replied with, "How should I know?   A quarter pounder?"
Tom replied with, "A MacMeat burger."
Mummy told Tom he had to phone her straight away and tell her not to order a MacMeat burger.   Tom said, and he was right it turned out, that Katie would never order a MacMeat burger anyway.  She would think it sounded disgusting.  He was right, she did think it sounded disgusting.

Daddy, Katie and Bryn were gone from Friday lunchtime to Monday evening.   This is what us houndies, Tom and Mummy did in three and a half days:

Nothing.  haha.

Well almost.  Friday we went for a walk.   Then we had tea.  Mummy and Tom had half a bag of chikkin nuggets each.  Then we watched Masterchef.  Then we went to bed early cos Mummy had a migraine.

Saturday Mummy and Tom went to Tesco and bought a bag of linguine.   Then we went for a walk.   Then Mummy did some cleaning before tea.   Then we watched a film called Bridesmaids that was really funny and now Mummy has a big crush on Roy out of the IT crowd.

Sunday we went for a walk.  Lotty rolled in fox poo.   Lotty had a bath.  We played in the garden.    Tom had a bagel for his tea.  Mummy had a baked potato.    Then we watched a film called Love and other drugs.  We didn't like it much.  

Monday Mummy and Tom went into town.  Tom went to the job centre then went to buy shoes with his friend Emily while Mummy went to buy some chinese herbs off a funny lady.   Then we went for a walk.    Then we all fell asleep on the settee and was woken up by Daddy, Katie and Bryn coming home.   They had Nelson with them.   This is the exciting bit.   Daddy met Susan's dad in Blackburn in the morning and brought Nelson the foster dog home with him.     We all had a good run round the garden and had some tea and the humans had chikkin casserole out of the slow cooker.   Then Mummy and Daddy went to a committee meeting for at the hall next door and Tom looked after us.  

Today Mummy had to go to work so Tom looked after everyone and made sure Carly and Nelson didn't fight.   She was ok, in the end she even let him lay next to her on Tom's bed.  When Mummy got back from work she took Nelson to Aunty Lesley's in Bridgend.   Katie was supposed to go with her but she forgot and went out with her friends instead.  So Mummy went on her own then she stopped at Sainsburys in Bridgend on the way back for petrol and got some snossijs for the humans tea as well.   We miss Nelson, he is cute.

In other news Aunty Mic had a baby girl.   Her name is Louisa Catherine.   We haven't seen her yet.  Mummy and Katie are going this weekend.  They were going to go on Friday but now Mummy has to work instead.  Boo to working.  Yay to overtime pay.

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