Mummy said from now on she will answer to the following names: Anne, Sharon, Sarah, Sara, Sandwich and Salmon. But not Sam...and definitely not Samantha.
Also she would like to know who gave the PPI man her mobile number so she was forced to have this inane conversation:
PPI man: "Hello Madam, have you claimed your PPI back yet?"
Mummy: "My what?"
PPI man: "Your PPI. Have you claimed it back yet?"
Mummy: "I'm not owed any"
PPI man: "Oh you must be"
Mummy: "No I mustn't"
PPI man: "You must. Everybody is"
Mummy: "Not me. I don't take out loans. Good day"
AND FINALLY: Do you think Outlook express is being sarcastic when it sends you this message?:
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
I feel like I just got dumped. WAHHH

Thursday, 28 February 2013
Sunday, 24 February 2013
When we met Aunty Penny. By Bessie
On Saturday morning my humans went to view a house that they had seen on rightmove and wanted to know if they liked it. There was a little tiny whippet sat on one of the beds when them went upstairs so them had a nice cuddle with her then she showed them round the house. Anyway they said they do like the house but they not sure it worth what they asking cos it needs a bit of work. So them has put it on the shortlist. It a very short list. there only two houses on it.
In the afternoon we went to Cardiff. Aunty Penny was over from London visiting with Mamgu so we met up with Aunty Penny and Uncle Martin and Ellie and Grace. Kara and Alfie and their humans, Connie, Gareth and Steph did come too and we all went for a walk on Llandaff fields. It was good fun and we were really well behaved. I didn't growl at anybody, Lotty didn't run off and Carly only rolled in one thing which turned out to be a clod of earth and not a poo.
Cerys came too and her and Katie was walking along in the park when their Welsh teacher ran past in her jogging clothes. That was funny, them wasn't expecting to see their teacher.
After we been for our walk we went to the cafe and had chips and tea.
Today Mummy fell down the stairs because Lotty tripped her up on the way to open the back door for wee wees - again. She hurt her knee, ankle, big toe and both arms. So her went back to bed for a bit and when she got up she wasn't hurting any more but throughout the day her arm started hurting. We helped Mummy bake a carrot cake and Lotty went out for a walk with Katie and Cerys but me and Carly didn't want to so we ran round the garden for a bit and we think that was good exercise. Then Mummy's arm did swell up lots and her fingers was tingling so her took two ibuprofen and we is sitting in bed now watching Countryfile.
In the afternoon we went to Cardiff. Aunty Penny was over from London visiting with Mamgu so we met up with Aunty Penny and Uncle Martin and Ellie and Grace. Kara and Alfie and their humans, Connie, Gareth and Steph did come too and we all went for a walk on Llandaff fields. It was good fun and we were really well behaved. I didn't growl at anybody, Lotty didn't run off and Carly only rolled in one thing which turned out to be a clod of earth and not a poo.
Cerys came too and her and Katie was walking along in the park when their Welsh teacher ran past in her jogging clothes. That was funny, them wasn't expecting to see their teacher.
After we been for our walk we went to the cafe and had chips and tea.
Today Mummy fell down the stairs because Lotty tripped her up on the way to open the back door for wee wees - again. She hurt her knee, ankle, big toe and both arms. So her went back to bed for a bit and when she got up she wasn't hurting any more but throughout the day her arm started hurting. We helped Mummy bake a carrot cake and Lotty went out for a walk with Katie and Cerys but me and Carly didn't want to so we ran round the garden for a bit and we think that was good exercise. Then Mummy's arm did swell up lots and her fingers was tingling so her took two ibuprofen and we is sitting in bed now watching Countryfile.
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
SHUT UP. By Bessie
So I invited Bentley over to my princess cage for a romantic dinner. We had chicken and pancakes.
At dinner Katie keep telling Bryn to shut up for no reason so Daddy say her is a bit easily wound up and her shout "No I'm not. he's just REALLY annoying". We did laugh. Me and Mummy do think we should start a new page on the blog called "Minihumans being silly"
At dinner Katie keep telling Bryn to shut up for no reason so Daddy say her is a bit easily wound up and her shout "No I'm not. he's just REALLY annoying". We did laugh. Me and Mummy do think we should start a new page on the blog called "Minihumans being silly"
Monday, 18 February 2013
Daddy. No. Not nice. By Bessie
I has to tell you this cos it made us BOL. Daddy went on a first aid course today and as an icebreaking exercise they had to say 3 people they would invite to their fantasy dinner party. Daddy could only think of 2 (him was going to say the ones Mummy always say but him could hardly say it cos him fancies them like Mummy always says). So him say James May cos them can talk about cars and man stuff. And Nigella Lawson so her could cook the dinner! When him told us this story Mummy did spank him hard and Bryn say would Daddy sit next to her so him could look down her top and Daddy say him would make sure him got the odd chair what didn't reach the table - like when you is at your Grandma's for Christmas dinner and one of you has to sit on a footstool - so him would be low enough to look down her top. Mummy say Daddy is a chauvinist pig, a pervert and a big pikey for having a posh dinner party and not having enough matching chairs.
CAKE! I like a bit of cake. By Bessie
After tea yesterday Mummy says who wants cake so all the humans say they want cake so her cuts the cake into four and passes the plates to everyone. Only her didn't measure it very well and her accidentally give littlest minihuman the biggest slice. Well, you'd have thought her had committed a genocide the fuss the other minihumans made. Them was pouting and huffing and puffing and Mummy say "Oh I'm SO sorry your cake wasn't quite as big as Bryn's cake. Would you like my cake instead?" (Mummy didn't have any cake). Then Daddy do laugh at the minihumans and him say that at least Bryn was enjoying his cake. And the other minihumans say that a stupid argument and Tom say it a shame Hitler was such a bad man but at least him had fun while he was invading Poland. Then Katie say Bryn not got much to say and Bryn say "Why would I complain, I got the biggest piece". And Mummy and Daddy laugh and say that the quote of the day.
Then them was arguing about who made the big mess in the bathroom what Mummy had to clean up. All the minihumans was blaming each other and Tom say it couldn't possibly be him cos him didn't even get up til 12 o'clock. And Daddy say no, that was the quote of the day.
This morning we took the minihumans to school then went to get petrol. We seen a man driving through Tesco car park, stop, lean out the window and spray windowleen on the windscreen. Then we seen a grubby looking woman asking if they sell dry shampoo in the petrol station. Them didn't. Anyway, I think her had gone beyond dry shampoo what does say on the can "for between washes". BETWEEN WASHES NOT INSTEAD OF WASHES.
Anyway me was thinking if they do a bacon scented dry shampoo I could use that instead of having so many baffs.
Then them was arguing about who made the big mess in the bathroom what Mummy had to clean up. All the minihumans was blaming each other and Tom say it couldn't possibly be him cos him didn't even get up til 12 o'clock. And Daddy say no, that was the quote of the day.
This morning we took the minihumans to school then went to get petrol. We seen a man driving through Tesco car park, stop, lean out the window and spray windowleen on the windscreen. Then we seen a grubby looking woman asking if they sell dry shampoo in the petrol station. Them didn't. Anyway, I think her had gone beyond dry shampoo what does say on the can "for between washes". BETWEEN WASHES NOT INSTEAD OF WASHES.
Anyway me was thinking if they do a bacon scented dry shampoo I could use that instead of having so many baffs.
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Oh I is sorry. Were you trying to play? By Bessie
So them people never made another offer on the house. Mummy and Daddy went out for dinner on Wednesday with thems friends. On Thursday it Valentines. Carly got a card and present off Tiger and Horace got a card off Daisy and Mummy got a card and white choklits off Daddy. Me got nothing. But then Bentley did ask me to be his Valentines. Me likes Bentley lots.
Yesterday we did go for a walk. We only walked round the village though, we not go down the castle cos it too muddy.
Today Mummy looks on google satellite and her says her thinks there is a path what goes all the way from the house we want to buy to minihumans school so her says we should go and explore. So we drives there and parks in the village and goes for a walk. And there is a path! it only took 11 minutes to walk and that was with me, so them think it much quicker when the humans is on their own. The path goes round the edge of the golf course and we is standing there looking round when we looks behind and realises we is standing in the middle of the green and these three golfers is all watching us waiting for us to get out the way. So we hurries out of the way and we walks out the golf course and through a patch of trees and we is on the school rugby field so we goes for a walk round the outside of the school then we walks back to the village but Mummy says her will let Carly off the lead cos her is such a good girl. So her does and Carly immediately lies down on a fox poo and starts rolling round and round.
So we all had to have baffs when we got home. I don't know why we should all have baffs. Me and Lotty didn't roll in fox poo. Carly had tomato ketchup and malaseb rubbed in her cos her smelled so bad. Me and Lotty just had our normal purple shampoo.
Yesterday we did go for a walk. We only walked round the village though, we not go down the castle cos it too muddy.
Today Mummy looks on google satellite and her says her thinks there is a path what goes all the way from the house we want to buy to minihumans school so her says we should go and explore. So we drives there and parks in the village and goes for a walk. And there is a path! it only took 11 minutes to walk and that was with me, so them think it much quicker when the humans is on their own. The path goes round the edge of the golf course and we is standing there looking round when we looks behind and realises we is standing in the middle of the green and these three golfers is all watching us waiting for us to get out the way. So we hurries out of the way and we walks out the golf course and through a patch of trees and we is on the school rugby field so we goes for a walk round the outside of the school then we walks back to the village but Mummy says her will let Carly off the lead cos her is such a good girl. So her does and Carly immediately lies down on a fox poo and starts rolling round and round.
So we all had to have baffs when we got home. I don't know why we should all have baffs. Me and Lotty didn't roll in fox poo. Carly had tomato ketchup and malaseb rubbed in her cos her smelled so bad. Me and Lotty just had our normal purple shampoo.
Monday, 11 February 2013
Carly runs away with the circus this time. By Bessie
Yesterday Mummy says we should all go out for the day but Daddy asks her if she looked out the window yet and her looks and it is tipping it down. Well we houndies don't want to go out in the rain so we do our wees in the garden and go back to bed. So Mummy, Daddy and Bryn go out to Maplins to buy something for the telly. I not know what, something manly. When them get there Daddy is standing staring at the boring things for ages and Mummy keep asking him to hurry up but him say if he hurries up he will pick the wrong thing. So anyway eventually like ten seconds before the shops shut him buys something and then they go to look at the kitchens and bathrooms in this posh shop. The kitchens was all too fancy, not what them was looking for at all. But them had some nice bathrooms. Except this one where there were two toilets sat next to each other. Mummy says the family that poo together stay together and her gets Bryn to take a photo of them pretending to poo together. But them is having trouble trying to get the facial expression right for constipated but in love. Then them left before they got thrown out and went to KFC.
Today we went out in the car. First we went to Pets at Home. We bought some pleccy food for Jedediah and Moss and we all was allowed to choose a crocodile chew.
Then we was going to go to Tredegar Park and Mummy asked Bryn if he had his gloves and he said he forgot them. So us houndies and Bryn waited in the car and she went in TK Maxx and Next Clearance to see if they had any gloves but them both had summer stock in already. In February. It was 4c and sleeting.
Then they went to Asda and Mummy got Bryn a pair of gloves. It was either Phineas and Ferb gloves with matching hat and scarf or mens gloves, so she got the mens gloves. Then she got a tortilla wrap each for her and Bryns lunch and some milk.
Then we went to Tredegar Park. We was walking round and Mummy and Bryn was eating their wraps and drinking their milk. Then Katie phoned and asked Mummy what she wanted and Mummy said nothing and Katie said her had a missed call and Mummy said her phone was in her pocket and it not phoned anyone. Anyway then Katie ask if her can stay one more night. I think her has officially moved out now. We hasn't seen her since Thursday morning and it now Monday afternoon.
Then a minute later the phone rang again and Mummy thinking what now but it the estate agent saying the people what viewed our house had an offer. But the offer was too low so Mummy say no. Anyway them never phoned back so they mustn't have a better one.
Then Carly ran off. Her never runs off, her never leaves Mummy's side but her must have seen a skiwwel or something cos her was off. Her was missing for 10 minutes. This not a very long time but it felt like forever. Mummy was frantic, her was running and shouting and then eventually she seen Carly standing in the bushes a few hundred yards away and she shout her and Carly come running. Then cos Carly had spoiled all the fun we had to go on leads and we went back to the car.
Then we come home and ate our crocodile chews and had a sleep before tea.
Today we went out in the car. First we went to Pets at Home. We bought some pleccy food for Jedediah and Moss and we all was allowed to choose a crocodile chew.
Then we was going to go to Tredegar Park and Mummy asked Bryn if he had his gloves and he said he forgot them. So us houndies and Bryn waited in the car and she went in TK Maxx and Next Clearance to see if they had any gloves but them both had summer stock in already. In February. It was 4c and sleeting.
Then they went to Asda and Mummy got Bryn a pair of gloves. It was either Phineas and Ferb gloves with matching hat and scarf or mens gloves, so she got the mens gloves. Then she got a tortilla wrap each for her and Bryns lunch and some milk.
Then we went to Tredegar Park. We was walking round and Mummy and Bryn was eating their wraps and drinking their milk. Then Katie phoned and asked Mummy what she wanted and Mummy said nothing and Katie said her had a missed call and Mummy said her phone was in her pocket and it not phoned anyone. Anyway then Katie ask if her can stay one more night. I think her has officially moved out now. We hasn't seen her since Thursday morning and it now Monday afternoon.
Then a minute later the phone rang again and Mummy thinking what now but it the estate agent saying the people what viewed our house had an offer. But the offer was too low so Mummy say no. Anyway them never phoned back so they mustn't have a better one.
Then Carly ran off. Her never runs off, her never leaves Mummy's side but her must have seen a skiwwel or something cos her was off. Her was missing for 10 minutes. This not a very long time but it felt like forever. Mummy was frantic, her was running and shouting and then eventually she seen Carly standing in the bushes a few hundred yards away and she shout her and Carly come running. Then cos Carly had spoiled all the fun we had to go on leads and we went back to the car.
Then we come home and ate our crocodile chews and had a sleep before tea.
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Daddy runs away with the circus. By Bessie
Daddy going on a training course for work in Manchester tomorrow so he leaves straight from work and goes to the hotel. We went for a walk with Mummy then she went to get the minihumans from school then they had to wait an hour for Tom to finish college so they went window shopping. Them didn't come back with any windows though. We already had windows. Then them picked Tom up and Mummy says him needs a haircut so them go to the hairdressers and has a haircut and then them comes home and we all has tea. The humans has pasta bake. After tea we watches some stuff on telly that Daddy would probably hate then Daddy phones and says him just got there and him going to have his tea. Then Katie comes and sleeps in Daddy's spot in the bed and we cuddle with her.
The humans has pittas with chicken burgers and chips for tea. We watches telly. Katie sleeps in Daddy's spot again. Daddy phones and says him had lamb and eight chips for his tea and it cos £16.50. Mummy is disgusted.
The humans has supernoodles for their tea. Them eats them out of them plastic bowls what you get microwaveable sponge puddings in. Mummy says her is seeing how long she can go without turning the dishwasher on. What this really means is she doesn't know how to turn the dishwasher on. Daddy goes to Nanny and Grandads after hims course is finished. Him phones and tells us the course was rubbish and the food in the hotel was expensive. Mummy tells Daddy them had Chinese for tea. Supernoodles is not Chinese. I bet Daddy thinks them had a proper Chinese takeaway. Katie does sleep in Daddy's spot again. We does like Katie, her is small and doesn't make any noise when she's sleeping.
The minihumans has a teacher training day tomorrow so their school is closed so Katie sleeping over at her friends house tonight. The estate agent phones and asks if someone can come and view the house tomorrow afternoon. Then her phones back and says them is one of the people what came in the summer coming for a second viewing. Mummy can't remember anybody coming in the summer who was interested enough to come back. So her looks back on here to see if she wrote anything on the date she said and it says the people who came that day said they didn't like the style or layout. So we doesn't know why them is coming back. Maybe them forgot and will walk in and say oh yes we hated this one. Mummy goes to get her prescription....finally. We get a £10 voucher of McCains and a letter saying them don't know how the piece of rubber got into the wedge cos it wasn't off any of their machinery. Hmmm likely story. Mummy, Tom and Bryn has omelette and baked tatties for tea. We does too cos we likes that. Mummy and Tom work out how to put the dishwasher on. It a good job really cos them had their dinner off side plates and eated it with dessert forks and drank their squash in sherry glasses. Mummy think her is going to get the best nights sleep ever cos there just her and us doggies in the bed but her realises her doesn't like sleeping with no other humans and her is awake most of the night, fidgeting and annoying us. Mummy did text Daddy to tell him about the viewing but him doesn't phone us tonight.
Mummy and Bryn take Tom to work then them come home and clean and tidy ready for the viewing. Them makes the house extra specially nice, them thinks. Mr Geoff, the estate agent is coming to show them round so just before them comes us doggies and Bryn goes in the back garden so Mummy can hoover the hair off the hall floor. Then Mummy waits for Mr Geoff so her can tell him we is all going for a walk but him is late so Bryn has to take us round the corner all on his own and wait for Mummy. Then Mr Geoff turns up at the same time as the people so Mummy not got no chance to tell him about us so her has to hang around the house while the peoples look round. Then it starts to rain so Mummy texts Aunty Sally to see if us and Bryn can go in her garden and her says yes so Mummy tells Mr Geoff her will be one minute and her runs down the street and tells Bryn but him says him will take us for a walk round the block instead. Then Mummy comes back and tells Mr Geoff a big lie about how her neighbour had locked themself out and her had the spare key. Her think it make the people think we is all nice neighbours to each other. Then the people is telling Mr Geoff how them first come to see our house on the same day them saw their dream house. So them didn't like it cos them loved their dream house. So when their house was sold them was going to buy the dream house but then it all went wrong and now them has nowhere to live and is sleeping on a friends settee. Anyway we does not think them will buy our house cos them really wants to live in the village where their dream house is. We does not like this village but me not say what the village is cos me knows that me has some readers what hates us but uses this blog to spy on us (Why does you do that? It can't possibly be of any interest to you, you strange peoples. If you wants to spy on us, why don't you peer in through our windows like a normal stalker?) Anyway, back to the point, some of them people live there and them is the kind of people what takes everything personally. We does actually feel very sorry for the peoples what come to view our house (even if them does want to live in a weird village) cos we would be heartbreaked if we was going to buy our dream house and it all went wrong.
After the peoples has gone, Bryn and us does come home and we dry off and then we all goes to get Tom from work. Then we comes home and has tea. The humans has cheese toasties. The estate agent doesn't phone to say the people want to buy the house and Daddy doesn't phone again. We does think maybe him has run away with the circus. Him has actually gone to stay with his friends tonight. Them does live on a mountain so him probably got no phone signal.
We all has a really good nights sleep. Mummy sleeped right through. This might have been because we did too and we not needed to get up and go toilet once. Not even Lotty. Her wakes up and 10.20 and her looks at the clock and says the estate agent not phoned yet then. And then at that exact moment the phone rings but it only Bryn's friends Grandma asking if him wants to come over. So Mummy goes to wake him up and him does want to go over. Then Mummy making breakfast and Tom come down and Mummy says the estate agent not phoned yet and that exact moment the phone rings again! But it Daddy. Him finally remembered where him lives. Him says it taked him two hours to get from hims friends house to the main road cos the snow so deep him had to dig hims way out. And him couldn't phone cos him got no phone signal. Anyway him say once him got to the main road there was no snow so him on his way home now.
Then Mummy puts our foodies down but her not notice me and Carly did swap. Carly did have my kibble and gravy and me did have Carly's tripe and scrambled egg. It nice to have a change once in a while.
Bryn gone to his friends house. Tom playing on his xbox, Mummy helping me write this, I lying on her lap watching. Carly and Lotty is asleep. They is both snoring. Daddy be home in a few hours. We not know when Katie want to come home, her likes staying at her friends house. The estate agent not phoned so we knows them people won't be buying our house. We did almost get excited for a bit yesterday. Mummy even went on rightmove and bookmarked all the houses we would view if we did sell our house. Anyway *sighs* It not matter. It not like we're homeless or anything.
There is a chicken casserole in the slow cooker. See how them eat silly food all week then have a proper dinner when Daddy home.
Daddy going on a training course for work in Manchester tomorrow so he leaves straight from work and goes to the hotel. We went for a walk with Mummy then she went to get the minihumans from school then they had to wait an hour for Tom to finish college so they went window shopping. Them didn't come back with any windows though. We already had windows. Then them picked Tom up and Mummy says him needs a haircut so them go to the hairdressers and has a haircut and then them comes home and we all has tea. The humans has pasta bake. After tea we watches some stuff on telly that Daddy would probably hate then Daddy phones and says him just got there and him going to have his tea. Then Katie comes and sleeps in Daddy's spot in the bed and we cuddle with her.
The humans has pittas with chicken burgers and chips for tea. We watches telly. Katie sleeps in Daddy's spot again. Daddy phones and says him had lamb and eight chips for his tea and it cos £16.50. Mummy is disgusted.
The humans has supernoodles for their tea. Them eats them out of them plastic bowls what you get microwaveable sponge puddings in. Mummy says her is seeing how long she can go without turning the dishwasher on. What this really means is she doesn't know how to turn the dishwasher on. Daddy goes to Nanny and Grandads after hims course is finished. Him phones and tells us the course was rubbish and the food in the hotel was expensive. Mummy tells Daddy them had Chinese for tea. Supernoodles is not Chinese. I bet Daddy thinks them had a proper Chinese takeaway. Katie does sleep in Daddy's spot again. We does like Katie, her is small and doesn't make any noise when she's sleeping.
The minihumans has a teacher training day tomorrow so their school is closed so Katie sleeping over at her friends house tonight. The estate agent phones and asks if someone can come and view the house tomorrow afternoon. Then her phones back and says them is one of the people what came in the summer coming for a second viewing. Mummy can't remember anybody coming in the summer who was interested enough to come back. So her looks back on here to see if she wrote anything on the date she said and it says the people who came that day said they didn't like the style or layout. So we doesn't know why them is coming back. Maybe them forgot and will walk in and say oh yes we hated this one. Mummy goes to get her prescription....finally. We get a £10 voucher of McCains and a letter saying them don't know how the piece of rubber got into the wedge cos it wasn't off any of their machinery. Hmmm likely story. Mummy, Tom and Bryn has omelette and baked tatties for tea. We does too cos we likes that. Mummy and Tom work out how to put the dishwasher on. It a good job really cos them had their dinner off side plates and eated it with dessert forks and drank their squash in sherry glasses. Mummy think her is going to get the best nights sleep ever cos there just her and us doggies in the bed but her realises her doesn't like sleeping with no other humans and her is awake most of the night, fidgeting and annoying us. Mummy did text Daddy to tell him about the viewing but him doesn't phone us tonight.
Mummy and Bryn take Tom to work then them come home and clean and tidy ready for the viewing. Them makes the house extra specially nice, them thinks. Mr Geoff, the estate agent is coming to show them round so just before them comes us doggies and Bryn goes in the back garden so Mummy can hoover the hair off the hall floor. Then Mummy waits for Mr Geoff so her can tell him we is all going for a walk but him is late so Bryn has to take us round the corner all on his own and wait for Mummy. Then Mr Geoff turns up at the same time as the people so Mummy not got no chance to tell him about us so her has to hang around the house while the peoples look round. Then it starts to rain so Mummy texts Aunty Sally to see if us and Bryn can go in her garden and her says yes so Mummy tells Mr Geoff her will be one minute and her runs down the street and tells Bryn but him says him will take us for a walk round the block instead. Then Mummy comes back and tells Mr Geoff a big lie about how her neighbour had locked themself out and her had the spare key. Her think it make the people think we is all nice neighbours to each other. Then the people is telling Mr Geoff how them first come to see our house on the same day them saw their dream house. So them didn't like it cos them loved their dream house. So when their house was sold them was going to buy the dream house but then it all went wrong and now them has nowhere to live and is sleeping on a friends settee. Anyway we does not think them will buy our house cos them really wants to live in the village where their dream house is. We does not like this village but me not say what the village is cos me knows that me has some readers what hates us but uses this blog to spy on us (Why does you do that? It can't possibly be of any interest to you, you strange peoples. If you wants to spy on us, why don't you peer in through our windows like a normal stalker?) Anyway, back to the point, some of them people live there and them is the kind of people what takes everything personally. We does actually feel very sorry for the peoples what come to view our house (even if them does want to live in a weird village) cos we would be heartbreaked if we was going to buy our dream house and it all went wrong.
After the peoples has gone, Bryn and us does come home and we dry off and then we all goes to get Tom from work. Then we comes home and has tea. The humans has cheese toasties. The estate agent doesn't phone to say the people want to buy the house and Daddy doesn't phone again. We does think maybe him has run away with the circus. Him has actually gone to stay with his friends tonight. Them does live on a mountain so him probably got no phone signal.
We all has a really good nights sleep. Mummy sleeped right through. This might have been because we did too and we not needed to get up and go toilet once. Not even Lotty. Her wakes up and 10.20 and her looks at the clock and says the estate agent not phoned yet then. And then at that exact moment the phone rings but it only Bryn's friends Grandma asking if him wants to come over. So Mummy goes to wake him up and him does want to go over. Then Mummy making breakfast and Tom come down and Mummy says the estate agent not phoned yet and that exact moment the phone rings again! But it Daddy. Him finally remembered where him lives. Him says it taked him two hours to get from hims friends house to the main road cos the snow so deep him had to dig hims way out. And him couldn't phone cos him got no phone signal. Anyway him say once him got to the main road there was no snow so him on his way home now.
Then Mummy puts our foodies down but her not notice me and Carly did swap. Carly did have my kibble and gravy and me did have Carly's tripe and scrambled egg. It nice to have a change once in a while.
Bryn gone to his friends house. Tom playing on his xbox, Mummy helping me write this, I lying on her lap watching. Carly and Lotty is asleep. They is both snoring. Daddy be home in a few hours. We not know when Katie want to come home, her likes staying at her friends house. The estate agent not phoned so we knows them people won't be buying our house. We did almost get excited for a bit yesterday. Mummy even went on rightmove and bookmarked all the houses we would view if we did sell our house. Anyway *sighs* It not matter. It not like we're homeless or anything.
There is a chicken casserole in the slow cooker. See how them eat silly food all week then have a proper dinner when Daddy home.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Can you get TB from rolling in or eating badger poo? By Bessie
Today we went for a walk with the basset hound walkers. We went to Wiltshire. There was 16 bassets and a spangle called Bruno. Lotty liked him. It was only Mummy and Bryn what went with us this time cos Daddy has a bad knee, Tom has a broked arm and Katie was at her friends house. Them wore wellies cos it was very muddy. We didn't wear wellies. We got very dirty. We found lots of poos to roll in. we found horse poo, cow poo (the biggest pile of cowpoo you ever seen, when Mr Dave loads the video you will probly see Mummy climbing the pile of cowpoo to catch Lotty), sheep poo, deer poo, rabbit poo and badger poo. The badger poo was the best. We all had a roll in that, all 17 of us. Even the two that were wearing coats. The walk was six miles long. We was very tired by the time we got back to the carpark. Even Lotty had stopped running about and Gilbert had stopped barking.
When we got home Mummy scraped the dried badger poo off Carly's coat into the carrier bag what she brought it home in and put it in the washing machine with her and Bryn's clothes then her put all the picnic rubbish in the bag and put it in the bin.
Then us three houndies had a B A T H. Lotty was so dirty she had to get out halfway through so they could change the water.
Then Mummy needed to take her beta blocker but she couldn't find the tablets. She remembered having one at lunchtime then putting the blister pack in her backpack so she looked but it wasn't there. Then she looked in the car but it wasn't there. Then she looked in the bin and it was in the bag with the dried up badger poo. So she washed the badger poo off and took her tablet. I wonder if you can get TB from rolling in badger poo or eating badger poo coated tablets? Mummy went to the doctor on Friday cos every year her has to get the doctor to sign a new prescription. Him tried to make her change to a different dose but Mummy say NO and him say OK and him write a new prescription for another year. But her was busy so her never took the prescription down the chemist, her will do it tomorrow. Anyway, that is why she had to eat the badger poo tablets instead of throwing them away.
Then we had a sleep while we waited for Mummy to make tea. Her said she would just have a sit down for a minute. The next thing her fell asleep and slid off her chair onto Lotty's bed. Lotty was asleep in her bed and she was not impressed to find Mummy on her head.
So Mummy does some star jumps to wake herself up and she made our tea. Her bought Carly some new kibble to try on Friday, it was salmon and potato and claimed to have no ingredients what she is allergic to. But by Saturday evening, after three meals on it, her skin was so bad she had to have fusiderm on an open wound on her face and her cone and pyjamas back on. Mummy very upset that she made Carly's skin bad again. Her was only trying to help cos Carly so very teeny tiny and needs fattening up.
So anyway, me and Lotty had some of Carly's new kibble with our own kibble and Carly back on the no kibble diet. Her had tripe, pilchards, three new potatoes and peanut butter.
When we got home Mummy scraped the dried badger poo off Carly's coat into the carrier bag what she brought it home in and put it in the washing machine with her and Bryn's clothes then her put all the picnic rubbish in the bag and put it in the bin.
Then us three houndies had a B A T H. Lotty was so dirty she had to get out halfway through so they could change the water.
Then Mummy needed to take her beta blocker but she couldn't find the tablets. She remembered having one at lunchtime then putting the blister pack in her backpack so she looked but it wasn't there. Then she looked in the car but it wasn't there. Then she looked in the bin and it was in the bag with the dried up badger poo. So she washed the badger poo off and took her tablet. I wonder if you can get TB from rolling in badger poo or eating badger poo coated tablets? Mummy went to the doctor on Friday cos every year her has to get the doctor to sign a new prescription. Him tried to make her change to a different dose but Mummy say NO and him say OK and him write a new prescription for another year. But her was busy so her never took the prescription down the chemist, her will do it tomorrow. Anyway, that is why she had to eat the badger poo tablets instead of throwing them away.
Then we had a sleep while we waited for Mummy to make tea. Her said she would just have a sit down for a minute. The next thing her fell asleep and slid off her chair onto Lotty's bed. Lotty was asleep in her bed and she was not impressed to find Mummy on her head.
So Mummy does some star jumps to wake herself up and she made our tea. Her bought Carly some new kibble to try on Friday, it was salmon and potato and claimed to have no ingredients what she is allergic to. But by Saturday evening, after three meals on it, her skin was so bad she had to have fusiderm on an open wound on her face and her cone and pyjamas back on. Mummy very upset that she made Carly's skin bad again. Her was only trying to help cos Carly so very teeny tiny and needs fattening up.
So anyway, me and Lotty had some of Carly's new kibble with our own kibble and Carly back on the no kibble diet. Her had tripe, pilchards, three new potatoes and peanut butter.
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Little and large. By Bessie
Yesterday I had to go to the V E T to have a needle stuck in my neck and some nasty stuff squirted up my nose. We all went cos Mummy wanted to have us weighed.
I am 22.2kg / 49lb
Lottys is 18.2kg / 40lb
Carly is 15kg / 33lb
Today is Daddy's birthday. We had someone come to view the house first thing so we went for a walk with the minihumans while Mummy and Daddy showed them round. Then the humans went out for lunch.
Tomorrow we are going on a long walk with the basset walkers.
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