In January Mummy became South Wales rep for Basset Welfare. I Lost my pink kong. Darcy went to the bridge, it was very very sad. We went for a walk with Aunty Diane and Uncle Barry, it was really cold and Carly did an exploding poo in the car but we had a lovely time anyway.
In February I found my pink kong, it was in Hamish's underpants drawer. Mummy discovered who her real friends are. And who her real enemies are, funnily enough they were the people she suspected all along.
In March Blue and I set a date for the wedding, 12th May. Mummy's Great Aunty Flo died, she was 96. Mummy did go up to Grandma and Grandad's for the funeral.
In April we did put our house on the market and took Katie out of school because she was being bullied by some horrid people. Bimmer went to the rainbow bridge, I was very very sad about this. Katie's story was published in Cuddly Bears book. I was a bridesmaid at Sadie's wedding.
In May Blue went to the rainbow bridge exactly one week before our wedding, my heart broke that night and I not know if it ever be mended. On the day we was supposed to be married we had our first foster dog come into welfare. Her name was Lotty, I don't think we're very good at fostering cos she's still here! We rehomed Odie. And we went on a basset walk in a forest, I may have started a pack rampage against some gundogs.
In June I started my blog. And we rehomed Hector.
In July we rehomed Henry, Bertie and Missy and Mummy and me met Jefferson and his family, they are lovely people. Bryn had tea with the Archbishop of Canterbury. We finally started getting viewings on the house.
In August Lotty started agility training with Miss Connie. Grandma and Grandad came to stay. Tom passed his english gcse and got on the course he wanted at college. It rained most of the month but we did manage to have one day nice enough to go to the beach and have chips. We liked the Olympics, especially the horsey events and the swimming.
In September we had our auction in the piano bar, we raised £1100. Katie went to a new school and Bryn started big school. Lyndsey bunny went to the bridge, her was very old and very sick. Aunty Ellen and JeffersonGranneez came to visit and we had a lovely time. Daddy got us into Eastenders. The Hillsborough 96 finally started to get justice when the truth came out about what really happened that day. We won first prize in the fancy dress at the basset club fun day. Carly discovered squirrels and became spiderbasset. Mummy went cold turkey off painkillers and didn't even make it 24 hours before her was very sick.
In October we met Inca, MummyLouise and DaddyKeith when they came to stay and Mummy went with them to Many Tears to fetch Rufus. Mummy had a cuddle off a baby basset while she was there. Mummy finally got new dr martens after 16 years of wearing the same knackered old boots. Lotty weed in mummys handbag and she took it to work smelling of wee. We went on a basset walk which was so wet and muddy we nearly drowned. We finally got rid of the people calling for Alison Vettus (touch wood).
In November daddy grew a moustache for Movember. Mummy, Bryn and Carly collected for many tears, they raised £541.22. Mummy invented giant jaffa cakes for Toms 20th birthday. Mummy started writing a book. My humans met Amelia Lily from X Factor. She came 3rd last year and Daddy broke a lamp at the Beefeater.
In December Mummy finally bought a trifle dish but still hasn't made trifle. We are meeting George at the end of the month, this is something we are very very excited about. Mummy left a bag of poo on the roof of the car on the way to the basset club Christmas party.
I can't believe it's been that long since precious Blue went to the Rainbow Bridge :(