Counting down to when we go to George and Winston's house. I still haven't got a clue what I'm doing on this laptop but I have managed to transfer all my stuff from the other laptop.
Daddy is watching some Swedish film with subtitles. Mummy can't watch things with subtitles. Not cos she's thick or anything, she just doesn't watch telly with her eyes. She normally only listens to the telly.
Grandma and Grandad went home this morning. But we will see them again at Aunty Mic's New Year party.
Yesterday we went for a walk with Grandma and Grandad. For tea we had another christmas dinner. We got a dinner too, we had yorkshire pudding, chikin and piggies in blankies. But when Mummy went to get the jug of gravy Daddy thought she'd finished and had poured it down the sink so we had it dry. It was lovely anyway.

Friday, 28 December 2012
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Christmas! By Bessie
Happy Boxing Day everybody. I'm writing to you from Mummy's new laptop what Daddy bought her for Christmas. Him did good! It got Windows 8 so we not really know what we're doing yet.
On Christmas Eve Katie went to a party and Daddy had to go and pick her up from Newport at 8 o'clock. Mummy was cross because she said we should all be together on Christmas Eve. Then the minihumans wouldn't go to bed and Mummy ended up staying up til about 2 in the morning cos she wanted to put the presents in their stockings when them was asleep.
On Christmas morning the smallest minihumans came in about 9am to show us what they got in their stockings then Mummy went in to Toms room to see if him opened his but him said him not feel well and him want to stay in bed. Then Katie throwed a strop cos her wanted to open presents in the lounge but Mummy said we all has to go and have breakfast first but we has to wait for Tom. Anyway Tom did take some tablets and him come down and him say him feel a bit better. Then we has breakfast and Katie stay upstairs on the computer skyping her friends and Mummy get really cross and Daddy say chill out and Mummy say her can't chill out cos her not stopped spending money and cooking and buying and wrapping presents and baking cakes and writing and posting cards and decorating the house and all so everybody else can sit around doing nothing.
And then when her finished having a tantrum her made us all belgian waffles and then we did go in the lounge and us doggies did open our presents first. We did all get a new ball and some biscuits and some fishy treats and Tiger did send me and Lotty a chewy bone and Carly a squeaky. And we did love our presents. Then we did go and play with our toys in the kitchen while the humans opened their presents.
Mummy had said to Daddy ages ago her not got much money this year so shall they not buy each other presents but Daddy say him already bought Mummy one and her say how much shall she spend then? And Daddy say him not say and Mummy say her want to spend the same so Daddy say spend £15 so her got him a itunes voucher and a choklit bar. So when Mummy do open her presents off Daddy him gotted her a bar of white choklit and some biskits and some coke and a...LAPTOP! Her so excited and surprised.
The minihumans bought Mummy and Daddy a picnic basket...which looks just like the one Bryn won in the pass the parcel at the basset club christmas party. Hmmm...
Tom did get a lord of the rings xbox game and some jeans and 2 shirts and a t-shirt and a cushion with a Bessie on it and some razors for his beard and some smelly for him armpits and some choklits and some gloves and a dvd and a jar of sweets.
Katie did get new trainers and a wooly bobble hat and a skater skirt and some leggings and slippers and choklits and gloves and 2 dvds and a olly murrs cd and a teddy and a jar of sweets and some smelly armpit spray and socks.
Bryn did get new shoes and a fifa 13 xbox game and a shirt and chinos and a guns n roses t-shirt and a dvd and a bruno marrs cd and a teddy and a cuddly basset and gloves and choklits and a jar of sweets and smelly spray for his armpits and some lego what Mummy definitely didn't get free with a newspaper.
Then we went for a walk, we walked down to the zebra crossing then back up poo alley. Mummy say we not going down the castle today cos we got too dirty last time and her not well enough to bath us today.
Then we did have christmas dinner. The humans had tatty and leek soup and bread rolls for starters. Mummy bought a chikin roast from Iceland and it shrivelled up in the oven so there was only enough for one slice each for the humans. Luckily her made loads of other things to go with it so we had piggies in blankies for our dinner. The humans had chikin and piggies in blankies and stuffing and roast and mash tatties and roast parsnips and yorkshire puddings and carrot and swede mash and green beans and sprouts with gammon pieces and chestnuts and bread sauce, gravy and cranberry sauce. Except Katie, she had a pot noodle cos when Mummy asked her whether she wanted a nut roast or a quorn roast her said neither, her wanted a pot noodle. So that what her got. And we did all pull crackers. Mummy got a sticker, Tom got a green ring, Katie got some plastic lips.
After dinner we did watch some telly. Mummy did wake up with a stiff neck and it did keep getting sorer until by the time Mummy and Daddy finished clearing up after lunch her was feeling sick with pain so her did bring her bedding down and lie on the settee. We did lie on top of her to make her feel better. We watched some films and Come dine with me and doctor who and then Mummy made sandwiches and christmas pudding for tea. Then we watched Eastenders and Derek did get killed just like we guessed he would. Except we thought him would be murdered and them wouldn't know who'd done it, but him had a heart attack and dropped dead. And we watched Call the midwife and Downton abbey. And then it was time for bed.
We is happy to say Mummy's neck is much betterer today, it still sore but she can cope with it. Mummy said everybody had to spend one hour helping tidy ready for Grandma and Grandad then we could relax for the rest of the day. So we did all help clean the toilets and hoover and change the bedding on all the beds. Then Mummy made bubble and squeak for lunch and then we sat and watched Mummy set her new laptop up and we had a nap and in a couple of hours Grandma and Grandad will be coming for our second Christmas.
Ooh and Horace did wake up from hibernation this morning. We no idea why him woke up so early but him was wide awake so the minihumans did get him some water and some salad.
On Christmas Eve Katie went to a party and Daddy had to go and pick her up from Newport at 8 o'clock. Mummy was cross because she said we should all be together on Christmas Eve. Then the minihumans wouldn't go to bed and Mummy ended up staying up til about 2 in the morning cos she wanted to put the presents in their stockings when them was asleep.
On Christmas morning the smallest minihumans came in about 9am to show us what they got in their stockings then Mummy went in to Toms room to see if him opened his but him said him not feel well and him want to stay in bed. Then Katie throwed a strop cos her wanted to open presents in the lounge but Mummy said we all has to go and have breakfast first but we has to wait for Tom. Anyway Tom did take some tablets and him come down and him say him feel a bit better. Then we has breakfast and Katie stay upstairs on the computer skyping her friends and Mummy get really cross and Daddy say chill out and Mummy say her can't chill out cos her not stopped spending money and cooking and buying and wrapping presents and baking cakes and writing and posting cards and decorating the house and all so everybody else can sit around doing nothing.
And then when her finished having a tantrum her made us all belgian waffles and then we did go in the lounge and us doggies did open our presents first. We did all get a new ball and some biscuits and some fishy treats and Tiger did send me and Lotty a chewy bone and Carly a squeaky. And we did love our presents. Then we did go and play with our toys in the kitchen while the humans opened their presents.
Mummy had said to Daddy ages ago her not got much money this year so shall they not buy each other presents but Daddy say him already bought Mummy one and her say how much shall she spend then? And Daddy say him not say and Mummy say her want to spend the same so Daddy say spend £15 so her got him a itunes voucher and a choklit bar. So when Mummy do open her presents off Daddy him gotted her a bar of white choklit and some biskits and some coke and a...LAPTOP! Her so excited and surprised.
The minihumans bought Mummy and Daddy a picnic basket...which looks just like the one Bryn won in the pass the parcel at the basset club christmas party. Hmmm...
Tom did get a lord of the rings xbox game and some jeans and 2 shirts and a t-shirt and a cushion with a Bessie on it and some razors for his beard and some smelly for him armpits and some choklits and some gloves and a dvd and a jar of sweets.
Katie did get new trainers and a wooly bobble hat and a skater skirt and some leggings and slippers and choklits and gloves and 2 dvds and a olly murrs cd and a teddy and a jar of sweets and some smelly armpit spray and socks.
Bryn did get new shoes and a fifa 13 xbox game and a shirt and chinos and a guns n roses t-shirt and a dvd and a bruno marrs cd and a teddy and a cuddly basset and gloves and choklits and a jar of sweets and smelly spray for his armpits and some lego what Mummy definitely didn't get free with a newspaper.
Then we went for a walk, we walked down to the zebra crossing then back up poo alley. Mummy say we not going down the castle today cos we got too dirty last time and her not well enough to bath us today.
Then we did have christmas dinner. The humans had tatty and leek soup and bread rolls for starters. Mummy bought a chikin roast from Iceland and it shrivelled up in the oven so there was only enough for one slice each for the humans. Luckily her made loads of other things to go with it so we had piggies in blankies for our dinner. The humans had chikin and piggies in blankies and stuffing and roast and mash tatties and roast parsnips and yorkshire puddings and carrot and swede mash and green beans and sprouts with gammon pieces and chestnuts and bread sauce, gravy and cranberry sauce. Except Katie, she had a pot noodle cos when Mummy asked her whether she wanted a nut roast or a quorn roast her said neither, her wanted a pot noodle. So that what her got. And we did all pull crackers. Mummy got a sticker, Tom got a green ring, Katie got some plastic lips.
After dinner we did watch some telly. Mummy did wake up with a stiff neck and it did keep getting sorer until by the time Mummy and Daddy finished clearing up after lunch her was feeling sick with pain so her did bring her bedding down and lie on the settee. We did lie on top of her to make her feel better. We watched some films and Come dine with me and doctor who and then Mummy made sandwiches and christmas pudding for tea. Then we watched Eastenders and Derek did get killed just like we guessed he would. Except we thought him would be murdered and them wouldn't know who'd done it, but him had a heart attack and dropped dead. And we watched Call the midwife and Downton abbey. And then it was time for bed.
We is happy to say Mummy's neck is much betterer today, it still sore but she can cope with it. Mummy said everybody had to spend one hour helping tidy ready for Grandma and Grandad then we could relax for the rest of the day. So we did all help clean the toilets and hoover and change the bedding on all the beds. Then Mummy made bubble and squeak for lunch and then we sat and watched Mummy set her new laptop up and we had a nap and in a couple of hours Grandma and Grandad will be coming for our second Christmas.
Ooh and Horace did wake up from hibernation this morning. We no idea why him woke up so early but him was wide awake so the minihumans did get him some water and some salad.
Monday, 24 December 2012
I'm not a dickhead, get me out of here. By Sam
Oh my god I wish someone would buy my house quickly. I need to get out of this godforsaken town full of total knobheads.
Merry Christmas everyone else!
Merry Christmas everyone else!
Christmas Eve. By Bessie
We made up a recipe for liver sausage and apple sauce dog biscuits. Here it is if you want to make them youself:
200g plain flour
1 egg
2 tbsp liver sausage (the Tesco value one is good cos it's nice and mushy)
2 tbsp apple sauce
Mix all the ingredients to a firm dough. Add more flour if it's too wet or more apple sauce if it too dry.
Roll out onto a floured board to about 1cm thick and cut shapes with cookie cutter. Put on greased baking tray and bake at 175c for 10 minutes.
200g plain flour
1 egg
2 tbsp liver sausage (the Tesco value one is good cos it's nice and mushy)
2 tbsp apple sauce
Mix all the ingredients to a firm dough. Add more flour if it's too wet or more apple sauce if it too dry.
Roll out onto a floured board to about 1cm thick and cut shapes with cookie cutter. Put on greased baking tray and bake at 175c for 10 minutes.
We made trifle today and the humans had it for their tea.
Tomorrow it's Christmas! We is excited. We went for a walk down the castle. We not been down there all week cos it's been raining til today. We was shocked when we got down there cos it all under water.
When we got home we had a baff. We didn't want a baff but actually (don't tell Mummy) it wasn't too bad. It actually quite nice to have soft fluffy hair.
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Bessie's very quick review of her year.
In January Mummy became South Wales rep for Basset Welfare. I Lost my pink kong. Darcy went to the bridge, it was very very sad. We went for a walk with Aunty Diane and Uncle Barry, it was really cold and Carly did an exploding poo in the car but we had a lovely time anyway.
In February I found my pink kong, it was in Hamish's underpants drawer. Mummy discovered who her real friends are. And who her real enemies are, funnily enough they were the people she suspected all along.
In March Blue and I set a date for the wedding, 12th May. Mummy's Great Aunty Flo died, she was 96. Mummy did go up to Grandma and Grandad's for the funeral.
In April we did put our house on the market and took Katie out of school because she was being bullied by some horrid people. Bimmer went to the rainbow bridge, I was very very sad about this. Katie's story was published in Cuddly Bears book. I was a bridesmaid at Sadie's wedding.
In May Blue went to the rainbow bridge exactly one week before our wedding, my heart broke that night and I not know if it ever be mended. On the day we was supposed to be married we had our first foster dog come into welfare. Her name was Lotty, I don't think we're very good at fostering cos she's still here! We rehomed Odie. And we went on a basset walk in a forest, I may have started a pack rampage against some gundogs.
In June I started my blog. And we rehomed Hector.
In July we rehomed Henry, Bertie and Missy and Mummy and me met Jefferson and his family, they are lovely people. Bryn had tea with the Archbishop of Canterbury. We finally started getting viewings on the house.
In August Lotty started agility training with Miss Connie. Grandma and Grandad came to stay. Tom passed his english gcse and got on the course he wanted at college. It rained most of the month but we did manage to have one day nice enough to go to the beach and have chips. We liked the Olympics, especially the horsey events and the swimming.
In September we had our auction in the piano bar, we raised £1100. Katie went to a new school and Bryn started big school. Lyndsey bunny went to the bridge, her was very old and very sick. Aunty Ellen and JeffersonGranneez came to visit and we had a lovely time. Daddy got us into Eastenders. The Hillsborough 96 finally started to get justice when the truth came out about what really happened that day. We won first prize in the fancy dress at the basset club fun day. Carly discovered squirrels and became spiderbasset. Mummy went cold turkey off painkillers and didn't even make it 24 hours before her was very sick.
In October we met Inca, MummyLouise and DaddyKeith when they came to stay and Mummy went with them to Many Tears to fetch Rufus. Mummy had a cuddle off a baby basset while she was there. Mummy finally got new dr martens after 16 years of wearing the same knackered old boots. Lotty weed in mummys handbag and she took it to work smelling of wee. We went on a basset walk which was so wet and muddy we nearly drowned. We finally got rid of the people calling for Alison Vettus (touch wood).
In November daddy grew a moustache for Movember. Mummy, Bryn and Carly collected for many tears, they raised £541.22. Mummy invented giant jaffa cakes for Toms 20th birthday. Mummy started writing a book. My humans met Amelia Lily from X Factor. She came 3rd last year and Daddy broke a lamp at the Beefeater.
In December Mummy finally bought a trifle dish but still hasn't made trifle. We are meeting George at the end of the month, this is something we are very very excited about. Mummy left a bag of poo on the roof of the car on the way to the basset club Christmas party.
In February I found my pink kong, it was in Hamish's underpants drawer. Mummy discovered who her real friends are. And who her real enemies are, funnily enough they were the people she suspected all along.
In March Blue and I set a date for the wedding, 12th May. Mummy's Great Aunty Flo died, she was 96. Mummy did go up to Grandma and Grandad's for the funeral.
In April we did put our house on the market and took Katie out of school because she was being bullied by some horrid people. Bimmer went to the rainbow bridge, I was very very sad about this. Katie's story was published in Cuddly Bears book. I was a bridesmaid at Sadie's wedding.
In May Blue went to the rainbow bridge exactly one week before our wedding, my heart broke that night and I not know if it ever be mended. On the day we was supposed to be married we had our first foster dog come into welfare. Her name was Lotty, I don't think we're very good at fostering cos she's still here! We rehomed Odie. And we went on a basset walk in a forest, I may have started a pack rampage against some gundogs.
In June I started my blog. And we rehomed Hector.
In July we rehomed Henry, Bertie and Missy and Mummy and me met Jefferson and his family, they are lovely people. Bryn had tea with the Archbishop of Canterbury. We finally started getting viewings on the house.
In August Lotty started agility training with Miss Connie. Grandma and Grandad came to stay. Tom passed his english gcse and got on the course he wanted at college. It rained most of the month but we did manage to have one day nice enough to go to the beach and have chips. We liked the Olympics, especially the horsey events and the swimming.
In September we had our auction in the piano bar, we raised £1100. Katie went to a new school and Bryn started big school. Lyndsey bunny went to the bridge, her was very old and very sick. Aunty Ellen and JeffersonGranneez came to visit and we had a lovely time. Daddy got us into Eastenders. The Hillsborough 96 finally started to get justice when the truth came out about what really happened that day. We won first prize in the fancy dress at the basset club fun day. Carly discovered squirrels and became spiderbasset. Mummy went cold turkey off painkillers and didn't even make it 24 hours before her was very sick.
In October we met Inca, MummyLouise and DaddyKeith when they came to stay and Mummy went with them to Many Tears to fetch Rufus. Mummy had a cuddle off a baby basset while she was there. Mummy finally got new dr martens after 16 years of wearing the same knackered old boots. Lotty weed in mummys handbag and she took it to work smelling of wee. We went on a basset walk which was so wet and muddy we nearly drowned. We finally got rid of the people calling for Alison Vettus (touch wood).
In November daddy grew a moustache for Movember. Mummy, Bryn and Carly collected for many tears, they raised £541.22. Mummy invented giant jaffa cakes for Toms 20th birthday. Mummy started writing a book. My humans met Amelia Lily from X Factor. She came 3rd last year and Daddy broke a lamp at the Beefeater.
In December Mummy finally bought a trifle dish but still hasn't made trifle. We are meeting George at the end of the month, this is something we are very very excited about. Mummy left a bag of poo on the roof of the car on the way to the basset club Christmas party.
Monday, 17 December 2012
Snizzle? Get outta here. By Bessie
So nothing much happened this week. Mostly it rained. Or was freezing cold. Or both. The man on the weather said it was snizzling. Him said him made a new word, a cross between snow and drizzle. So you mean sleet then? You don't need to make up a new word for something that already has a name Mr Weatherman, you're not Daddy.
Mummy woke up on Wednesday morning in a blind panic. Her had a dream it was Christmas morning and she hadn't started her Christmas shopping. So she got up nice and early and went to Cardiff and bought every single present in one trip. Her was very pleased with herself.
She also got this strange urge to decorate the house in a 1970s style so she bought loads of paper chains and foil garlands. Daddy was very polite and didn't go "What the F..." when him come home from work that night.
Mummy and Daddy went on their works Christmas night out on Thursday. This makes a good change because last year they didn't have one at all and the year before they had it in March. Only Mummy couldn't remember what she wanted to eat so she had to text the minihumans to ask Bryn what he had last time he went to the Indian restaurant.
This is the reply she got: "Chicken Tikka something with chicken or fish or something - he said he had a salady kebab thing" So that's what she ordered. It was Tandoori Chicken Tikka by the way and very nice it was too apparently.
On Saturday Mummy and Daddy went to Chepstow. Mummy been after a trifle dish for years. Daddy said go to Marks and Spencer but her said she wants an old fashioned one, big heavy patterned glass bowl with a silver trim. Well her has seen them over the years but she always says it's too small, too big, too expensive etc so them decided they would go and find one in one of the junk shops and spend up to £5. Well anyway they found the perfect bowl in the first shop they went in and it was £2. Mummy also seen some little basset ornaments and lots of tat that she doesn't need and Daddy had to talk her out of bringing it all home.
Yesterday it was my birthday. I don't know how old I am, somewhere between 7 and 10 I think. I got a squeaky piggy and some bacon treats.
Mummy woke up on Wednesday morning in a blind panic. Her had a dream it was Christmas morning and she hadn't started her Christmas shopping. So she got up nice and early and went to Cardiff and bought every single present in one trip. Her was very pleased with herself.
She also got this strange urge to decorate the house in a 1970s style so she bought loads of paper chains and foil garlands. Daddy was very polite and didn't go "What the F..." when him come home from work that night.
Mummy and Daddy went on their works Christmas night out on Thursday. This makes a good change because last year they didn't have one at all and the year before they had it in March. Only Mummy couldn't remember what she wanted to eat so she had to text the minihumans to ask Bryn what he had last time he went to the Indian restaurant.
This is the reply she got: "Chicken Tikka something with chicken or fish or something - he said he had a salady kebab thing" So that's what she ordered. It was Tandoori Chicken Tikka by the way and very nice it was too apparently.
On Saturday Mummy and Daddy went to Chepstow. Mummy been after a trifle dish for years. Daddy said go to Marks and Spencer but her said she wants an old fashioned one, big heavy patterned glass bowl with a silver trim. Well her has seen them over the years but she always says it's too small, too big, too expensive etc so them decided they would go and find one in one of the junk shops and spend up to £5. Well anyway they found the perfect bowl in the first shop they went in and it was £2. Mummy also seen some little basset ornaments and lots of tat that she doesn't need and Daddy had to talk her out of bringing it all home.
Yesterday it was my birthday. I don't know how old I am, somewhere between 7 and 10 I think. I got a squeaky piggy and some bacon treats.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Mummy goes a bit senile. By Bessie
Yesterday Mummy phoned the V E T to check if we was all up to date with our vaccinations and them said yes except Lotty hasn't got kennel cough. So Mummy and Daddy took Lotty to get her kennel cough nose squirt and them saw that aussie V E T who always makes rude comments about bassets getting fat and looking like coffee tables. Her has never met me. I wonder what her would say about me. Her probably think I look like a conference table. Then her went to sign the vaccination card and realised that when we first took Lotty for her injections cos she had never had them at her last home she was supposed to have puppy vaccinations and was supposed to go back two weeks for the next lot. Except nobody told Mummy this so she thought Lotty was just having an annual booster. Anyway luckily she had been charged for the course so she didn't need to pay again so the V E T started Lotty's puppy vaccinations again and Mummy got to remember to take her back for the other one this time. Then when them came out to pay for the kenel cough the receptionist say they can't go out yet cos the police are outside with a dangerous dog. So they waited inside for a bit then the receptionist went and checked and said they can go but to go quickly past the police van and not get too close so them did that. There was 3 police officers with them long sticks with hooks on the end, and 4 V E Ts and the van was shaking all over the place and the dog was woofing it's head off. Mummy said it was very upsetting. That must be a horrible part of the police and the V E Ts jobs to deal with them situations. Them couldn't see the dog cos it was inside the van but the back door was open and through the bars of the cage them could see the outline, it was big and black with a white panel on its chest, that is all they could see. Me wish the dog was being taken somewhere safe but me think probably not. :(
Lotty got weighed at the V E T and she is 17.2 kilos. That mean she put on 3 kilos so we is all happy about that. Then them took her to pets at home and the lady in there gave her some biscuits and them brought some tripe home for our tea.
Daddy made a bird table yesterday and when Mummy came down for breakfast today she looked out the window and there was a robin on the table and she goes "OOH a bird on the table" and Daddy and Bryn was like "yeah whatever" and her thought them was being a bit uninterested. Then her came back a bit later and the bird was still there so Mummy was scared that it had got frozed onto the table overnight so she went out to look and Daddy and Bryn had taken one of the pretend birds off the christmas tree and stuck it on the bird table. Mummy was cross and said they were a**eholes. And they just laughed at her and said they had planned to stick it in a different spot on the table every day til christmas when they was going to put the one with the christmas hat there.
Then we did go to the basset club christmas party and on the way we went round this big sharp bend and Daddy shouts "Sorry doggies" but we did poop in the boot anyway so it was a teeny bit stinky and all the humans was retching and hanging thems head out the windows so Daddy stopped in a layby and Mummy cleaned all the poo out of the back of the car with wet wipes and she put all the poo and dirty wipes in a poo bag and then we all got back in the car and we drove for a bit then Mummy realised her hands stinked of poo so she says to Daddy he needs to stop so she can get the wet wipes out of the accident cleaning kit they keep in the boot. So Daddy stops again and we all get out again and then he opens the box and the wet wipes is not there then Mummy remembers she put the wet wipes and the bag of poo on the roof of the car and them not there now. Then Daddy says Mummy is stupid for leaving anything on the boot and she says I know I've got a crap memory and them all laughs at the thought of someone driving along and the poo flying off the roof and hitting their windscreen and them would go "OH MY GOD I need something to clean that up with" and then a second later a bag of wet wipes would hit their windscreen and them would think them had been sent by God. We did laugh until our heads was hurting. Then we saw a Sainsburys and Daddy ask Mummy if she want to stop so she can go in and wash her hands and her say no we is nearly there now. So her just held her hands in front of her the rest of the way and made sure not to put them near her face.
When we got to the basset show we did meet and greets with all our friends and there was a fun show and we won first prize in the fancy dress AGAIN YAY US. And the humans had baked potatoes and macaroni cheese or beef stew for their lunch and they put Lotty and Carly in the cage while they eated cos they is naughty and I was allowed to sit on the mat. Except I may have jumped up a couple of times but the beef stew did smell yummy. And we met Santa. Him looked a bit like Uncle Alan, but him must be the real Santa cos him had a basset with him and me does know the real Santa loves bassets.
On the way home we got near the lay by where we had stopped and Mummy had put the wet wipes and poo on the roof and Mummy said she wonder if they will see them and Daddy says does her want him to stop if they do and her say not to worry them was only asda smart price not johnsons. Anyway then they see this huge mess of wet wipes covered in muck at the side of the road and Daddy says is Mummy sure her doesn't want her wet wipes back? Them didn't see the poo though.
Lotty got weighed at the V E T and she is 17.2 kilos. That mean she put on 3 kilos so we is all happy about that. Then them took her to pets at home and the lady in there gave her some biscuits and them brought some tripe home for our tea.
Daddy made a bird table yesterday and when Mummy came down for breakfast today she looked out the window and there was a robin on the table and she goes "OOH a bird on the table" and Daddy and Bryn was like "yeah whatever" and her thought them was being a bit uninterested. Then her came back a bit later and the bird was still there so Mummy was scared that it had got frozed onto the table overnight so she went out to look and Daddy and Bryn had taken one of the pretend birds off the christmas tree and stuck it on the bird table. Mummy was cross and said they were a**eholes. And they just laughed at her and said they had planned to stick it in a different spot on the table every day til christmas when they was going to put the one with the christmas hat there.
Then we did go to the basset club christmas party and on the way we went round this big sharp bend and Daddy shouts "Sorry doggies" but we did poop in the boot anyway so it was a teeny bit stinky and all the humans was retching and hanging thems head out the windows so Daddy stopped in a layby and Mummy cleaned all the poo out of the back of the car with wet wipes and she put all the poo and dirty wipes in a poo bag and then we all got back in the car and we drove for a bit then Mummy realised her hands stinked of poo so she says to Daddy he needs to stop so she can get the wet wipes out of the accident cleaning kit they keep in the boot. So Daddy stops again and we all get out again and then he opens the box and the wet wipes is not there then Mummy remembers she put the wet wipes and the bag of poo on the roof of the car and them not there now. Then Daddy says Mummy is stupid for leaving anything on the boot and she says I know I've got a crap memory and them all laughs at the thought of someone driving along and the poo flying off the roof and hitting their windscreen and them would go "OH MY GOD I need something to clean that up with" and then a second later a bag of wet wipes would hit their windscreen and them would think them had been sent by God. We did laugh until our heads was hurting. Then we saw a Sainsburys and Daddy ask Mummy if she want to stop so she can go in and wash her hands and her say no we is nearly there now. So her just held her hands in front of her the rest of the way and made sure not to put them near her face.
When we got to the basset show we did meet and greets with all our friends and there was a fun show and we won first prize in the fancy dress AGAIN YAY US. And the humans had baked potatoes and macaroni cheese or beef stew for their lunch and they put Lotty and Carly in the cage while they eated cos they is naughty and I was allowed to sit on the mat. Except I may have jumped up a couple of times but the beef stew did smell yummy. And we met Santa. Him looked a bit like Uncle Alan, but him must be the real Santa cos him had a basset with him and me does know the real Santa loves bassets.
On the way home we got near the lay by where we had stopped and Mummy had put the wet wipes and poo on the roof and Mummy said she wonder if they will see them and Daddy says does her want him to stop if they do and her say not to worry them was only asda smart price not johnsons. Anyway then they see this huge mess of wet wipes covered in muck at the side of the road and Daddy says is Mummy sure her doesn't want her wet wipes back? Them didn't see the poo though.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones. By Bessie
So many things to tell you. Lemme think...
So a week last Sunday Mummy, Bryn and Carly went into Cardiff city centre to collect for Many Tears. There was other people there too, not just them. They stood for 5 1/2 hours in the freezing cold and they made £541.22 altogether.
So a week last Sunday Mummy, Bryn and Carly went into Cardiff city centre to collect for Many Tears. There was other people there too, not just them. They stood for 5 1/2 hours in the freezing cold and they made £541.22 altogether.
Them did decide they would stay til 3pm then cos it was starting to go dark they would go home. Well at 3pm on the dot it started tipping it down so them went to Burger King and then eated their lunch as they walked back to the car. It was a long walk cos Mummy parked in the park and ride but them not let doggies on the bus so they had to walk into town but at least they didn't have to pay for the car park.
On Friday Grandma and Grandad came to stay for the weekend. Mummy promised if I was good all weekend and not growl, bark or snap then we could all have a bone.
Then Katie's friend Cerys came to stay on Friday cos the human ladies was going Christmas shopping in Cardiff and Mummy wanted to get there early cos her hates crowds and hates queueing so her wanted to be there when the shops opened at nine and home by lunchtime and Katie wanted her friend to come too.
Unfortunately them didn't leave the house until ten. Has you ever tried to get four human ladies dressed and out of the house by nine o'clock? So when them got into town it was PACKED. The old humans and the minihumans did split up. The old humans went to Primark and queued for half an hour just to buy gloves. Then them queued in Poundland to buy advent calendars and our bones.
Then when them was eating their lunch in a cafe the minihumans wanted to meet up so them did and then them finished their shopping and come home and them didn't get home til 5 o'clock.
In the meantime the man humans took us houndies for a walk to Tredegar Park but only me was allowed off lead cos the others chase squirrels.
In the evening Katie and Cerys put the Christmas tree up.
On Sunday Mummy made a roast dinner and velvet cake.
After lunch Grandma and Grandad went home and Mummy and Daddy took us for a walk and then Katie asked if Cerys could stay one more night and Mummy say no cos it's a school night and her say it OK her was still wearing her school uniform when her came on Friday and her didn't need anything what she didn't already have with her, except a packed lunch so Mummy made four packed lunches. Me hope Cerys don't mind the weird stuff my humans have in their lunch boxes.
Then while the humans was eating their tea we had our bones cos me had been good and polite all weekend, them was lovely but then Mummy did take them off us and say we had enough bone for one night.
But me think we had too much bone cos Lotty was awake ALL NIGHT with tummy ache, which meant Mummy was awake ALL NIGHT too with Lotty's tummy ache. Lotty kept getting up and going to the door but then her not want to go out. In the end Mummy got up and took Lotty downstairs cos Daddy was getting cross. Her thought he would be pleased but he wasn't cos after them gone I was sick twice. Then I was sick twice in the day and Carly sick once and we been doing little rock solid poos all over the decking all day and someone weed in the cage when Mummy took the minihumans to school. So Mummy say her never buying them bones again. EVER.
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