Saturday, 14 June 2014

Our stupid floor. By Bessie

Yesterday Katie had her last GCSE which she is very happy about.  She says if she passes then she doesn't have to do any of them subjects next year.  We say if she gets any less than an A then shouldn't she do them again anyway and try and get a better grade.  She just rolled her eyes at that.

On Thursday B&Q phoned and said the floor tiles we ordered eight weeks ago have finally arrived and they would be with us between 11.30 and 1.30 on Friday.   We needed to get our nails done at the groomers but we waited in for the tiles first.   At 2.30 a van backs into the drive and mummy asked the men how they were planning on getting the pallet off.  Handball it they say so Mummy sighs and starts helping them.   There were 59 packs and each one weighed about 20kg cos they were stone tiles.   Anyway Mummy takes the first pack off and goes "Stop, these aren't right.  We didn't order grey."  So she went inside and got the order form and checked and the bar code on the boxes of the wrong tiles matched the code on the order form.   So Mummy thought maybe she was going mad and she did order grey tiles.  It was two months ago, maybe she forgot.  Maybe they looked different in the shop light.   Anyway, they start pulling the boxes off and they get about halfway down the pallet when suddenly there is one box that has completely different coloured tiles in.   And this one has a sticky label on with our name.    So she gets this box and checks and it also has the same barcode.  So they look at all the other boxes still on the pallet and they are all grey.   One of the men suggests maybe it's a natural colour variation.   Mummy says maybe it is, but if 58 boxes are grey and one is brown then it's not going to look very nice is it.   Then Mummy and the delivery men all stand around scratching their heads and wondering how one box ended up on the pallet with completely different tiles but the same barcode.  And they decide that what must have happened is that a whole batch had come in labelled up wrong and this one box was the last of it.   Cos when they ordered the tiles there was one box in stock.  They must have taken this box and stuck a sticker on it with our name on.

Anyway, Mummy makes them put all the boxes back in the van and sends them away and they say they will get the manager to phone her when they get back.  She goes back inside and tries to phone the shop herself.  But after the initial message that says press 3 to speak to someone, it just rings and rings.  For six minutes.   So she phones Daddy in work and he says he will go down and demand to speak to a manager on his way home from work.   When Daddy comes home he says he went in but they told him there were no managers available on a Friday afternoon but the girl on customer service agreed it was bad service and promised a manager would phone us today.

To cut a very long and boring story short, a manager phoned this morning and has said he will ring round all the stores to get the other 58 packs of the brown tiles urgently.   Daddy is going to go in on Monday morning and make sure he did.   Mummy is not happy cos that means they have to go to B&Q on her birthday.  She thought Daddy took the day off work to take her out somewhere nice.   He says they will go somewhere nice too.   It better not be Homebase.

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