Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Don't eat the ginger cake. By Bessie

On Saturday we were all settling down for a nice lazy day when Bryn reminds Mummy that she promised to take him to buy new clothes today.  So Mummy, Katie and Bryn went to Cardiff on the bus to choose some new clothes.    He got 2 pairs of shorts, jeans and a t-shirt.   Katie was cross cos she thought he should have spent at least a thousand pounds but that's just her.    Then they went to Poundworld and bought drinks and some bungee cord for the new fence.    By the till in Poundworld was a basket of out of date foodies being sold off for 25p a packet.  The biscuits had today's date, the Frosties had next friday's date and the ginger cake said 12th April 2014.  They decided not to buy any ginger cake on account of it probably killing us if we ate it.

Then they come home and Bryn put his new clothes on, like mini humans do when they get new clothes.  Mind you if I got a new collar I would want to wear it straight away.

On Sunday it was the Big Lunch at the village hall.    Not many people came but it was fun.   Dogs aren't supposed to go in the hall but Carly was allowed to sit in the garden at the back and me and Lotty stood by the wall and shouted at everybody until they noticed us.  Mummy won a £30 voucher for a new pub in the raffle so her and Daddy are going to go out for dinner sometime.   Louise works there and she said it's dead expensive, especially considering it's in Pwll.

Mummy is off work all this week, she said she was going to get all the jobs done in the house ready for the garden party on Saturday.   Yesterday she cleaned out all the kitchen cupboards and sorted the laundry room out and did some gardening in her vegetable plot.   Today she spent most of the morning doing a job for the rescue trying to organise a transport for Bella Basset.   Then she did a load of washing, made two baked caramel cheesecakes and a batch of pasties.

Tomorrow she is going to the Lysaght Institute with Caroline from the village hall committee cos there is a funding fair so they are going to see if they can get any funding to fix the boiler and the wall at the hall.

It's all very boring and grown up.  Roll on Saturday, we have our basset rescue garden party.  We can't wait. 30 bassets running about will be loads of fun.   The weather forecast isn't great but we are going to put up a couple of gazebos and move all the furniture from the conservatory into the lounge so we can put the garden chairs and loads of doggy beds in there.   The rain isn't going to spoil our fun.

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