On Thursday Mummy and Daddy went to fetch Gertie from Aunty Lesley's and then on Friday Mummy took Gertie to Looby's house. It was Looby's birthday and Spam and Ellen came too and Spam said she thought Mummy would have brung Bessie. But she never brung Bessie, she brunged Gertie instead. Bessie was a sad girl being left behind.
It was Looby's birthday so they bought her some nice presents and she opened them all and then Gertie's new mummy and Grandma came to pick her up and some of Looby's friends came over for birthday tea.
In the evening the humans drank a bit of wine and vodka and stuff and played silly buggers.
On Sunday it was Easter and we went for a walk with the pack to Somerset. Nelson came too. He was very good and went off lead and didn't shout or snap at anybody. There were 15 bassets and Chester the Doberman and we went to the pub and Mark made fudge and apparently it was the best fudge ever.
Nelson has a new home to go to. Daddy is going to Grandad's house tomorrow with Katie and Bryn and Tom and Mummy are taking Nelson to his new home on Saturday. We will miss him. Mummy is already a big blubbery mess thinking about him leaving.
photos and video of our pack walk
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