Monday, 16 February 2015

Who is Robert Wagner anyway? By Bessie.

On Saturday we had a committee meeting at our house but really just an excuse to drink too much and eat too much.    Spam, Looby, Jeffersonmummeezellen and Jeffersondaddeezellen came with Penny, Bumble, Bridget and Daisy.    The mens went to the pub to watch the football and the ladies had a meeting.  They did talking about important things and stuff despite what the photos that I can't show you might imply.

Then the mens came back and everybody did tequila shots and we houndies had our dinner and then the humans had party tea.   Then we went in the lounge and played games.     Board games I mean, not throwing your car keys in a bowl type games.  We don't have enough beds for that and even if we did there would be houndies asleep on all of them.

Looby painted a moose-tache on Spam's face then labelled her own boobies Phil and Grant.   Like you do.  Mummy said after it would have been funny to swap the dry wipe marker for a permanent marker but I think Aunty Spam would probably not agree.

And Robert Wagner won at Trivial Pursuit.  Who would have guessed?

It's all go at Houndy HQ.    I don't know how we manage to fit in running round like feral beasts on top of everything else we have to do.

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