Sunday, 25 January 2015

Louisa's Christening

The first weekend of January Daddy, Katie and Bryn went to visit Grandad.  Mummy and Tom stayed home to look after us.   On the Saturday we sat and watched Food Network, went for a walk to the golf club and back and then they were inspired...not to cook.  Just to eat.  So they went to Tesco to choose something for their tea.  We were all wondering what exciting thing they would come back with after watching Sweet Genius and Jamie Oliver and Barefoot Contessa all day long.

For their tea they had a chicken sandwich, a bag of crisps and a bottle of coke.   whhhooooo.

On the Sunday me and Mummy went to do a homecheck at Tilly's house.   We had to check that they had a good supply of dentastix.  Check.   And that the tea was good.  Check.    They passed and now Bertie lives at their house.  Not Louise's Bertie, a new Bertie.  We have now rehomed 5 Berties.

Louisa was Christened last Sunday.  Mummy is now her fairy godmother.  We all went to the Christening, on account of Mummy forgetting that Lotty's vaccinations were out of date so we couldn't go in kennels and it was too long to leave us at home on our own.  So we all got up at 6am and the humans put their bestest clothes on and we washed our feets and then we got in the car and we drove to Aunty Mic's house and then we got out and went for a walk to the park and then we stayed at Aunty Mic's house while they went to the Christening.   Louisa looked beautiful in her Christening gown.  The vicar was funny, he spoke really fast and he even said he did and he was trying not to and he read everything at 400 miles an hour and the christening lasted about 30 seconds.

Then the humans came back and Mummy let us out in the garden and we had a cuddle and then they went to the pub for a couple of hours for a party and then they came back and we went for a long walk to a place called Fiddlers Ferry which sounded interesting but turned out to be a power station.   It was very cold, much colder than it is in Wales but we had a fun walk and we met a friendly Boxer and a shouty Chow.

Then it was time to go home so we got in the car and we drove home.  The humans stopped for tea at FranklymydearIdon'tgiveadamn services but Mummy stayed in the car to look after us.  Everyone else went inside and had a burger king but she had a cup of lukewarm tea out of a flask for her dinner.

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