We've not done much this week. The weather finally warmed up so we have been having some nice walks. Our minihumans have all been ill this week. We thought Katie was coming down with measles again, even though you not supposed to be able to catch it twice and she has had the two MMRs. But luckily it looks like it was just a bug cos even though she's had all the symptoms except the mouth spots and the rash since Wednesday, the rash would have come out by now. Phew.
Yesterday Mummy and Katie and us went out in the car. First we went to Mummy's work to use the scales. Lotty did disgrace herself by doing a wee in front of Mr Steve's desk. Luckily Mr Steve is nice and him gived her a snuggle while Mummy cleaned it up. I is 23.2 kilos, Lotty is 20.3 kilos and Carly is 15.7 kilos. That means she put on a whole kilo. We is very happy about that.
Then we went to Tredegar Park, we used our new ramp so we didn't have to jump in and out of the car. The humans had a bag of chips for their lunch and then we went for a run round the lake. Lotty paddled but me and Carly didn't want to.
Then we went to get Bryn and Tom and we come home and had tea.
Today we had no viewings so in the morning the humans took some more photos of the house to send to the estate agent and then they went out to the shops. Tom wanted to buy a xbox game but he was cross when he got home cos even though it was a brand new game what only came out yesterday it wasn't working so him going to take it into town tomorrow and get him money back. Then we went for a walk down our castle. We seen lots of other dogs. Some of them was nice like the baby labrador we seen by the park and the springer spaniel who's house we had to walk past but some was growly like the golden retriever who wouldn't share the footpath and them horrid red setters that always shout at us.
Then we come home and had a sleep.

Saturday, 20 April 2013
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Busy Saturday. By Bessie
Yesterday we had some people come to see the house. So me and Carly and Lotty went out with Tom and Bryn. We went down the village and got Mummy's prescription for her. Lucky it didn't rain but it started raining just after we got back and it rained all day and all night and is still raining now.
Then Mummy and Daddy went shopping and we stayed home with our human brothers. Our human sister is staying at her friends house. Her did tell us her seen kittens being born. We would like to see kittens being born too.
Mummy and Daddy bought a new microwave while them was out cos the old one blew up a couple of weeks ago and Mummy did say her wasn't going to get one til after we moved house but then when her was trying to defrost a pound of minced tripe for our breakfast yesterday and failing miserably, her decided her would buy a cheap one so if it don't look right in the new house her can get a new one. Oh her mixed the tripe with gravy in the end to defrost it if you was wondering. I wouldn't recommend you do this with human food. Mind you I wouldn't recommend humans eat black tripe anyway, it smells like manure. That don't bother me, I is a dog, I love manure. But humans not so much.
So Mummy and Daddy went to Asda and they bought a microwave and a flat screen telly cos them has decided it is time them started to get rid of all the big fat tellys what embarrass Katie so much. Grandma and Grandad is giving us their old one, it be a big one I think. So them got one for Bryn's room. And them bought a picture for over the fireplace cos Daddy had taken some new pictures in the morning to send to the estate agents and him said the photos over the fireplace do look too small. So him bought a nice picture. It long and thin and a picture of a woods. Mummy likes pictures like that. Her keeps asking Daddy to paint her a picture and if him can't paint her one then will him go to Moscow and steal a Shishkin.
Them bought some cushions for the lounge and some pretty throws for the minihumans beds and a bottle of coke for the boy humans cos the boy humans asked them too. I think that everything. Them did spend a lot of money but Mummy been watching Phil Spencer Secret Agent and him says you has to speculate to accumulate, or something.
Then them come home and putted all the new things in the house and them did look nice but we wasn't allowed to play with the cushions or lie on the throws even though them looked very comfy. So me and Lotty went upstairs and brought the sheepskin rug down and played with that instead. But then Daddy got really cross and took it off us.
For tea we had tripe and chikin and gravy and kibble and charcoal biscuits. Lotty doesn't like the charcoal biscuits, her spitted them out. Me and Carly liked them though. And we had our worming tablets. Not cos we has worms you understand, just cos it was time. Anyway Carly has one and a half, Lotty has two and I have two and a half. But then me left one in my bowl and Mummy tried to pick it up but Lotty got there first. So her had three and me only had one and a half but me think it will be OK. It not like her ate a whole packet or anything.
Then I went to George's stag party. I know it only supposed to be for boys but as me is the best man at him and Lola's wedding then me is allowed to come. I wore my disco pants and a boobtube.
Then Mummy and Daddy went shopping and we stayed home with our human brothers. Our human sister is staying at her friends house. Her did tell us her seen kittens being born. We would like to see kittens being born too.
Mummy and Daddy bought a new microwave while them was out cos the old one blew up a couple of weeks ago and Mummy did say her wasn't going to get one til after we moved house but then when her was trying to defrost a pound of minced tripe for our breakfast yesterday and failing miserably, her decided her would buy a cheap one so if it don't look right in the new house her can get a new one. Oh her mixed the tripe with gravy in the end to defrost it if you was wondering. I wouldn't recommend you do this with human food. Mind you I wouldn't recommend humans eat black tripe anyway, it smells like manure. That don't bother me, I is a dog, I love manure. But humans not so much.
So Mummy and Daddy went to Asda and they bought a microwave and a flat screen telly cos them has decided it is time them started to get rid of all the big fat tellys what embarrass Katie so much. Grandma and Grandad is giving us their old one, it be a big one I think. So them got one for Bryn's room. And them bought a picture for over the fireplace cos Daddy had taken some new pictures in the morning to send to the estate agents and him said the photos over the fireplace do look too small. So him bought a nice picture. It long and thin and a picture of a woods. Mummy likes pictures like that. Her keeps asking Daddy to paint her a picture and if him can't paint her one then will him go to Moscow and steal a Shishkin.
Them bought some cushions for the lounge and some pretty throws for the minihumans beds and a bottle of coke for the boy humans cos the boy humans asked them too. I think that everything. Them did spend a lot of money but Mummy been watching Phil Spencer Secret Agent and him says you has to speculate to accumulate, or something.
Then them come home and putted all the new things in the house and them did look nice but we wasn't allowed to play with the cushions or lie on the throws even though them looked very comfy. So me and Lotty went upstairs and brought the sheepskin rug down and played with that instead. But then Daddy got really cross and took it off us.
For tea we had tripe and chikin and gravy and kibble and charcoal biscuits. Lotty doesn't like the charcoal biscuits, her spitted them out. Me and Carly liked them though. And we had our worming tablets. Not cos we has worms you understand, just cos it was time. Anyway Carly has one and a half, Lotty has two and I have two and a half. But then me left one in my bowl and Mummy tried to pick it up but Lotty got there first. So her had three and me only had one and a half but me think it will be OK. It not like her ate a whole packet or anything.
Then I went to George's stag party. I know it only supposed to be for boys but as me is the best man at him and Lola's wedding then me is allowed to come. I wore my disco pants and a boobtube.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Monday, 8 April 2013
And then there were five. By Bessie
On Friday Bonnie and Bertie came to stay for the weekend. Their daddy dropped them off at lunchtime. In the afternoon we went for a walk down the castle.
On Saturday Daddy came out for a walk with us, we met Bertie the cav from next door, down the castle so we had a good run about with him.
On Sunday we got up very early and we all got in the car. Bonnie jumped right in but Bertie didn't want to be the only boy sat with four girls so he whinged and growled and he had to get pushed in.
Bertie whined all the way to Somerset, but we were all good and nobody pooed, weed or sicked in the car. We got out and had a drink and a dentastik and then Miss Tara came with Monty and Issy and she had snossijs so we had some of them. Then all the other people came and Miss Jackie and Miss Lauren were there with Reggie, Foxy and Florence. There were 26 of us dogs in the end. So we set off on our walk. We went up a hill and then we came to a big flat bit so Daddy said this was a good place to try Bonnie and Bertie off the lead. Bonnie was good as gold and just ran about with the rest of us. Every so often she would stop and look around for Mummy and Mummy would shout her and she would come trotting back for a cuddle. Bertie ran off over the edge of the hill straight away and Daddy had to chase him and put him back on the lead.
For lunch we stopped at a pub that lets dogs inside. But we stayed in the garden cos there was quite a lot of us and we didn't want to push our luck. Then Miss Kim and Mr Boots came to pick up Bertie and Bonnie. We only had a few minutes with them though cos the rest of the walkers were keen to go. We would have liked to stay and play with Mr Boots but we wouldn't have been able to find our way back. So Bertie and Bonnie got in the car with Miss Kim and Mr Boots and we said goodbye and off they went to start their wonderful new life.
*sighs* I hate to admit it but I do miss them, they were really fun.
After lunch we walked through some fields and we had a run about and Daddy said it was much easier with just three of us and he thought maybe Mummy planned this whole weekend so he would never complain that three was hard work again. Mummy just do a evil laugh.
And then we were back at the car park. And Miss Jackie brought this ramp over for us to get in the car and we did all use it and Mummy bought it off her. Then we went home, had our tea and went straight to bed. We was very tired.
On Saturday Daddy came out for a walk with us, we met Bertie the cav from next door, down the castle so we had a good run about with him.
On Sunday we got up very early and we all got in the car. Bonnie jumped right in but Bertie didn't want to be the only boy sat with four girls so he whinged and growled and he had to get pushed in.
Bertie whined all the way to Somerset, but we were all good and nobody pooed, weed or sicked in the car. We got out and had a drink and a dentastik and then Miss Tara came with Monty and Issy and she had snossijs so we had some of them. Then all the other people came and Miss Jackie and Miss Lauren were there with Reggie, Foxy and Florence. There were 26 of us dogs in the end. So we set off on our walk. We went up a hill and then we came to a big flat bit so Daddy said this was a good place to try Bonnie and Bertie off the lead. Bonnie was good as gold and just ran about with the rest of us. Every so often she would stop and look around for Mummy and Mummy would shout her and she would come trotting back for a cuddle. Bertie ran off over the edge of the hill straight away and Daddy had to chase him and put him back on the lead.
For lunch we stopped at a pub that lets dogs inside. But we stayed in the garden cos there was quite a lot of us and we didn't want to push our luck. Then Miss Kim and Mr Boots came to pick up Bertie and Bonnie. We only had a few minutes with them though cos the rest of the walkers were keen to go. We would have liked to stay and play with Mr Boots but we wouldn't have been able to find our way back. So Bertie and Bonnie got in the car with Miss Kim and Mr Boots and we said goodbye and off they went to start their wonderful new life.
*sighs* I hate to admit it but I do miss them, they were really fun.
After lunch we walked through some fields and we had a run about and Daddy said it was much easier with just three of us and he thought maybe Mummy planned this whole weekend so he would never complain that three was hard work again. Mummy just do a evil laugh.
And then we were back at the car park. And Miss Jackie brought this ramp over for us to get in the car and we did all use it and Mummy bought it off her. Then we went home, had our tea and went straight to bed. We was very tired.
There's nowt as queer as folk. By Sam
Strange sights and sounds I heard today in town:
Woman gets on the bus, waves and shouts "Good Morning" to everybody sat on the bus.
Woman sat in KFC eating a meal deal she bought from Boots. She's alone. She's not sat with someone who bought their food in KFC.
Very very loud Chinese family having what sounds like an argument while their baby screams in its pram and every single other person in the restaurant glares at them.
Two girls in Primark: "I'm not liking this buying things for myself. Not one bit".
Two different girls in Primark: "I'm not being funny, but £7 for a pair of jeans is a good price".
Two decorators openly leering at a teenage girl in a short skirt. One even made a Carry On style phwoar noise.
Effeminate boy looking at girls underwear with his female friend: "She's a right bitch she is", then flounces off.
Woman gets on the bus, waves and shouts "Good Morning" to everybody sat on the bus.
Woman sat in KFC eating a meal deal she bought from Boots. She's alone. She's not sat with someone who bought their food in KFC.
Very very loud Chinese family having what sounds like an argument while their baby screams in its pram and every single other person in the restaurant glares at them.
Two girls in Primark: "I'm not liking this buying things for myself. Not one bit".
Two different girls in Primark: "I'm not being funny, but £7 for a pair of jeans is a good price".
Two decorators openly leering at a teenage girl in a short skirt. One even made a Carry On style phwoar noise.
Effeminate boy looking at girls underwear with his female friend: "She's a right bitch she is", then flounces off.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Since when was all this tat vintage? By Sam
Apparently the 90s is now retro or vintage or something or other. Katie says she wants to dress in a 90s style. Tom said that she should wear red cords and hand knitted jumpers with a bowl haircut because that's what he was wearing in the 90s. I suggested she wear my knackered old doc martens with a woolly hat and dungarees cos that's what I was wearing in the 90s. But apparently we weren't very fashionable back then (or now for that matter).
Anyway I still don't know what 90s vintage is. She did try and explain it to me but it just sounded like my wardrobe Katie was describing. So every time she told me about something I said "Ah you mean like this?" But no, they were not quite right.
Anyway I still don't know what 90s vintage is. She did try and explain it to me but it just sounded like my wardrobe Katie was describing. So every time she told me about something I said "Ah you mean like this?" But no, they were not quite right.
Monday, 1 April 2013
In which Daddy's car broke, Aunty Mic and Uncle Rob came to stay and Carly disgraced herself...again. By Bessie
So them people never did make an offer on the house. The estate agent told us on Tuesday they still haven't decided. It not the end of the world anyway, there is plenty more peoples looking for a nice house.
On Thursday Daddy's car broke. Him don't know what's wrong with it. Him came out of work, drove round the corner to Asda and when him come out of Asda not 10 minutes later his car wouldn't start. So him phoned the AA and when them eventually turned up the AA man couldn't start it either so them brought it home on the back of a truck and parked it in the road. And it's been there ever since.
On Saturday some more people came to view the house. Them didn't know the area and had already been to lots of other houses and had one more left after ours. The estate agent phoned today, Monday, to say her not been able to get hold of them yet to find out what them thinked of the house.
Today Aunty Mic, Uncle Rob and our cousins Sasha and Ben came for the day. The adult humans and us houndies went for a nice walk but the minihumans stayed home and did minihuman stuff. We likes our Aunty Mic and Uncle Rob. Uncle Rob is lergic to us so we not allowed to lick him but him said we could sit next to him. Mummy was sat on the armchair with Carly on her lap and her got up to open the door for me and her must have squeezed Carly in the wrong place cos Carly emptied her anal glands all over Mummys jeans. STINKY!
Now them has gone home and we is just having a relax.
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