Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Big Bessie and Little Bessie

We had a foster dog last week, her name is Bessie so we had to be Big Bessie and Little Bessie.  On Friday me, Mummy and Little Bessie went on a roadtrip to Louise's house.  We stopped in Bristol to do a homecheck on the way.  Little Bessie did a poo on the lovely people's landing but they were not cross so we thought they was probably good Basset parents and they passed.

Then we went to that there London to Louise's house.  All her humans was out so we had a girls night in (plus Frank and Bertie) and Louise made Mummy's favourite tea; bangers and mash with mushy peas.

The next morning we went to the South East Basset Fun Day in Crawley.  It was a lovely day and very hot and we had loads of fun.  I think there was about 40 bassets maybe, too many to count anyway.   A very nice lady and her two daughters liked Little Bessie a lot and they spent all afternoon with her and then asked if they could adopt her so Louise said she would do their homecheck in the week and if it was OK they could adopt next weekend.  Then Mummy and Louise thought about it and that would mean Little Bessie coming all the way back to Wales for a week then coming all the way back to that there London next weekend.  Or they could go and do the homecheck today and let Little Bessie stay with the nice people who she had spent all afternoon with and not snapped at so she must like them.

At the fun day I met Meldrew Answers who is like a proper Tweeter celebrity and everything.   None of us won any prizes in the dog show, not even when I wore my belly dancer costume but Freda and Mabel won the best rescue dogs so we was happy cos we like Freda and Mabel lots.

After the fun day had finished we went back to Louise's and four of us houndies stayed home with Annie and Little Bessie went with Mummy and Louise to do the homecheck and of course it went well just like we knew it would - except for the satnav kept losing it's brain and they drove round in circles for a bit - so she stayed there and they adopted her.  

When they got back Annie had made our tea so Louise did Pizza and chips for her and Mummy and they talked about lady stuff and moaned and stuff then we went to bed early cos we was all tired after a very busy day.

The next day me and Mummy went home in the morning and when we were near the Swindon turn off Mummy said we should pop along to Mr Guy's walk and say hello if we could find the pack but we were very late and nobody we passed had seen a pack of bassets so we gave up and went for our own little walk then the pack came down the path and everyone said "oh look another basset" and they didn't know that we was planning on being with them anyway except Mr Guy who said he felt bad that we missed them but Mummy said it was OK, she was nearly half an hour late after all.

Then we came home and Carly and Lotty was very pleased to see me and Carly wondered where her best friend Little Bessie was so I told them what happened and they was happy for Little Bessie.

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