Thursday, 11 December 2014

Things that happened in November. By Bessie

So since Spicy went to the bridge what have we been up to?  Tom had a birthday, Mummy took him out for lunch and then the humans went to their favourite restaurant for tea.  They said they had a lovely tea but the waitress's BO was a little bit off putting, and not very ladylike.   Katie wouldn't come in and sit at the table though, she wanted to sit outside on the cold cobbles and cuddle with this cat that took a fancy to her.   Then Katie asked Daddy if we could have a cat and Daddy told her not to be so bloody ridiculous and Mummy had to tell him off cos even though we can't get another cat he didn't have to be so rude.

Grandma and Grandad came to stay for the weekend.   We all went for a walk and the humans went out for dinner and Lotty tried to get in Grandma and Grandad's bed.

Harley came to stay for the night.  Mummy and Tom went to Lesley's to collect him and he slept in Tom's room, like all the foster dogs do.  They all love Tom.   His new humans and his new brother Burton came to pick him up on Saturday morning but Harley scared Burton a bit cos he was playing too rough and Burton sicked up his breakfast.  Luckily Carly was there to eat the sick.  Bleugh.  Daddy emptied a bowl of water over the sick but it wasn't quite enough to clean it all up so he emptied an entire bath over it.   We did wonder if he couldn't have found something in between a bowl and a bath; a watering can or a bucket maybe?

My humans helped at the village Christmas Fair.  Everyone was a bit worried nobody would turn up like the big lunch in the summer but it was absolutely packed in the hall, they were worried they were going to run out of selection boxes for the grotto but luckily there was just enough.   Anyway the fair was a huge success and they will definitely do it again next year.

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