Saturday, 30 June 2012

Why we is never leaving Wales again. By Bessie

today we decides to go to Bristol cos it a lovely day and mummy likes going down Clifton and poking round in the antique shops cos she likes smelly old stuff. And it's a lovely sunny day so she hangs all the washing out first and we goes out and we wears our pretty scarves and the humans wears their plimsolls and no coats. Well when we gets to Bristol it does be CHUCKIN it down. And we sit in the car and wait and then it stops raining and we get out and walk and after about 5 minutes it rains and rains and rains. And we was going to have our lunch at a table outside a cafe but instead mummy buys sandwiches from boots and we eats in a shop doorway LIKE DOSSERS. And then it stops raining so we walk some more and look in some smelly old shops and lots of people want to stroke with us and they go ooh look at them pretty doggies with their pretty scarves. And then it starts raining really hard so we sit in a shop doorway but then a policeman on a horse goes past and Carly, she thinks she's the hardest dog in the world and she shouts "OI MR POLICEMAN DOG C'MERE AND I'LL SMACK YOU". And then I do remind her that her boyfriends daddy is a policeman and she is embarrased and she begs me not to tell but I does tell cos she eated a chikin what fell out the sky last night and didn't save me any. Then mummy says lets go back to the car. And daddy says OK and then mummy says what street is it parked in and daddy say he doesn't know and mummy says what you mean you don't know. did you not look? And him say no but he knows where the car is if he can work out where we is. So mummy looks on the gps on her phone and she says right daddy we is here. And daddy says ok then we go erm erm this way. And then we do set off walking round in circles and mummy and minihuman keep saying we is lost and daddy shouts WE IS NOT LOST I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE WE IS. And eventually 97 hours later we get back to the car which is exactly where we left it in the middle of nowhereland and we is more soaking wet than after a bath and mummy and Katie has trenchfoot in their plimsolls. Then we came home to Wales and the sun was shining and the washing was dry and Tom says its been sunny all day. So the moral of this story is NEVER LEAVE WALES AGAIN. EVER.


1 comment:

  1. heehee.. just like a man.. no direction is better than asking questions..


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