So Mummy dropped Lotty off at the vets on her way to work yesterday. The vet phoned at 2 and said the operation had gone well and he would phone in the morning to tell us if she was ready to come home.
This morning Mummy phoned at 10 and the nurse answered and said she was just about to phone, She said Lotty had eaten and she was still on the drip and we could come and pick her up at 1.
So Mummy, Daddy and Katie went to get her and she came out with her little cone on and they all shouted "Lotty!" but she was looking the other way and didn't turn round for her favourite people and they knew that she really is deaf. So Mummy asked the nurse and the nurse said "Oh yes definitely, he's removed everything. There's nothing left to hear with."
So they brought Lotty home and Lotty had a little wee in the garden then got in her lovely furry bed that nobody else is allowed in (Carly slept in it last night but don't tell Lotty). After a few hours she got up crying and shivering and Mummy gave her some metacam and some chikkin and rice and she ate it all up then went back to bed.
When she had her other ear done they gave her tramadol to go home with and Mummy did ask if she could have some but the nurse said that Lotty's vet Joel had gone home and the other vet didn't like to change the prescription but if the metacam wasn't working then to come back tomorrow and they will give us some tramadol.
Now she is sleeping in her furry bed.
In other news we have 12 dogs in rescue. We had 14 but two were adopted this morning. Busy busy busy.

Saturday, 9 January 2016
Thursday, 7 January 2016
Lotty and her last day of hearing. By Bessie
Lotty had to go back for her IV injections until Sunday. Last night she went to see the vet to see how her wound was healing. The vet said he was very happy and Mummy said he'd done a good job. Then he said he wanted to do the other ear soon. So Mummy said when, thinking he meant like February or something, and he said Friday! Mummy was a bit shocked but she thought better to get it over with so they booked her in for 8am tomorrow morning. She had her tea tonight and now she's not allowed anything to eat or drink til after she's had her op. She will have to stay in overnight again and then can come home on Saturday.
Daddy won a treadmill dead cheap on Ebay so they going to go and fetch that at the weekend then Mummy and Daddy will become super fit (allegedly).
The humans were all eating their shepherds pie (except Katie who's a vegan so she had a baked potato with beans cos she didn't want the lentil shepherds pie that Mummy had made and frozen for her last month) anyway, then Daddy says this is the last night Lotty we can shout "Tea up" and Lotty will run into the kitchen for her biccy (on account of her being totally deaf after her TECA-LBO tomorrow). And everyone felt all sad. Then Mummy said she was going to sing to Lotty in bed so she would be glad she was going deaf and Daddy was in the pantry and he shouted back "CAN I SLEEP IN THE OTHER ROOM?" and Mummy said, " You didn't need to do the punchline moron, I already did the punchline."
Daddy won a treadmill dead cheap on Ebay so they going to go and fetch that at the weekend then Mummy and Daddy will become super fit (allegedly).
The humans were all eating their shepherds pie (except Katie who's a vegan so she had a baked potato with beans cos she didn't want the lentil shepherds pie that Mummy had made and frozen for her last month) anyway, then Daddy says this is the last night Lotty we can shout "Tea up" and Lotty will run into the kitchen for her biccy (on account of her being totally deaf after her TECA-LBO tomorrow). And everyone felt all sad. Then Mummy said she was going to sing to Lotty in bed so she would be glad she was going deaf and Daddy was in the pantry and he shouted back "CAN I SLEEP IN THE OTHER ROOM?" and Mummy said, " You didn't need to do the punchline moron, I already did the punchline."
What we did in December. By Bessie
Mummy and Daddy's work had their first ever Christmas night out. They went to the Rock and Fountain for a meal and it was very nice too they said.
We went to the Branch Christmas Party. We had loads of fun but we got there super late cos Daddy's car got a flat tyre and they had to turn round and go back and then we all got in Mummy's car but she didn't have enough petrol so they had to go and buy some.
We didn't win first prize in the fancy dress with our Beanie Baby costumes. I think Mummy has got very lazy with her costume making lately.
Mummy had a week and a half off work cos she had done her usual thing and not taken any holidays all year and ended up wasting them. On the Monday she went Christmas shopping in Cardiff. On Tuesday the piano man came to tune the piano in the village hall next door so Mummy had to hang around to pay him. On Wednesday it was Katie's parents evening but that was about five minutes long cos she only has three lessons. On Thursday she took Katie into town to get her hair cut and finished the last of her Christmas shopping, then in the evening it was the lighting of the christmas tree next door so Mummy did the bar all night. On Friday Grandma, Grandad, Aunty Mic, Sasha and baby Louisa came to stay for the weekend. We love baby Louisa, we are the best babysitting dogs in the whole wide world.
On Saturday the humans went to a frost fayre and they said I could come was we was meeting Zoe and my friend Gunner. When we saw Gunner and Zoe we ran over and me and Gunner had sniffs and meet and greet and it was lots of fun. But it was very cold so we didn't stay long.
On Sunday it was the Basset Rescue Network 3rd annual Christmas party. We went over super early to set up and we laid all the tables and chairs out and made the kitchen all nice and made a grotto for Father Christmas and Grandad came over and helped. Then everyone arrived and we had the biggest and best Christmas party ever and there were 55 dogs and about 70 humans and we played games and ate snossijs and Father Christmas came and gave us all a present.
On the 16th Lotty had her ear canal removed. The operation is called a TECA-LBO. She stayed in the vets overnight and Mummy went to collect her at lunchtime the next day. A few days later she got an infection and she had to go back for an IV injection every day for 14 days, even Christmas day. She was really really poorly for the first week, she barely woke up and just lay in her bed sleeping. Mummy bought her some really fancy soft food and fed her with a baby spoon but she still lost 3kg.
We had a nice Christmas apart from Lotty being poorly. I got a sabre tooth tiger, Carly got an alien and Lotty got a monkey. Then she had to go to the vet. The christmas day visit was the quickest visit ever, they had to ring the bell and a nurse came and unlocked the door, they were in and out in five minutes.
Grandma and Grandad came on Boxing day to stay and we had another Christmas which was lots of fun. The boxing day visit to the vets took ages, we had to wait for an hour cos all these emergencies kept coming in, all the dogs who had eaten choklit and mince pies and tin foil.
Mummy went to Sam's for the day with Louise for Sam's birthday lunch. They went to the pub and I found out after it was a dog friendly pub and Shirley and Ollie got to go but I didn't. Not fair. Mummy said it was my job to look after Lotty so the next day I showed them how good I was at looking after Lotty by coming to the vets with them. Mummy said it might be better cos everytime she ahd to give Lotty rescue remedy and on the days when they were kept waiting ages Lotty got so worked up she ended up knocking her canula out and then it took even longer to give her the medicine. Except I was scared too and I accidentally did a really big poo in the middle of the waiting room and that didn't calm Lotty down at all and Mummy said I wasn't coming again.
We didn't do anything for New Years eve. Lotty went to the vets at four same as every other day then we watched telly and I thought I would have an early night so I went up to bed about ten but then someone started letting off fireworks at midnight and I could hear them and got scared so I cried and Mummy had to come upstairs and sit with me.
We went to the Branch Christmas Party. We had loads of fun but we got there super late cos Daddy's car got a flat tyre and they had to turn round and go back and then we all got in Mummy's car but she didn't have enough petrol so they had to go and buy some.
We didn't win first prize in the fancy dress with our Beanie Baby costumes. I think Mummy has got very lazy with her costume making lately.
Mummy had a week and a half off work cos she had done her usual thing and not taken any holidays all year and ended up wasting them. On the Monday she went Christmas shopping in Cardiff. On Tuesday the piano man came to tune the piano in the village hall next door so Mummy had to hang around to pay him. On Wednesday it was Katie's parents evening but that was about five minutes long cos she only has three lessons. On Thursday she took Katie into town to get her hair cut and finished the last of her Christmas shopping, then in the evening it was the lighting of the christmas tree next door so Mummy did the bar all night. On Friday Grandma, Grandad, Aunty Mic, Sasha and baby Louisa came to stay for the weekend. We love baby Louisa, we are the best babysitting dogs in the whole wide world.
On Saturday the humans went to a frost fayre and they said I could come was we was meeting Zoe and my friend Gunner. When we saw Gunner and Zoe we ran over and me and Gunner had sniffs and meet and greet and it was lots of fun. But it was very cold so we didn't stay long.
On Sunday it was the Basset Rescue Network 3rd annual Christmas party. We went over super early to set up and we laid all the tables and chairs out and made the kitchen all nice and made a grotto for Father Christmas and Grandad came over and helped. Then everyone arrived and we had the biggest and best Christmas party ever and there were 55 dogs and about 70 humans and we played games and ate snossijs and Father Christmas came and gave us all a present.
On the 16th Lotty had her ear canal removed. The operation is called a TECA-LBO. She stayed in the vets overnight and Mummy went to collect her at lunchtime the next day. A few days later she got an infection and she had to go back for an IV injection every day for 14 days, even Christmas day. She was really really poorly for the first week, she barely woke up and just lay in her bed sleeping. Mummy bought her some really fancy soft food and fed her with a baby spoon but she still lost 3kg.
We had a nice Christmas apart from Lotty being poorly. I got a sabre tooth tiger, Carly got an alien and Lotty got a monkey. Then she had to go to the vet. The christmas day visit was the quickest visit ever, they had to ring the bell and a nurse came and unlocked the door, they were in and out in five minutes.
Grandma and Grandad came on Boxing day to stay and we had another Christmas which was lots of fun. The boxing day visit to the vets took ages, we had to wait for an hour cos all these emergencies kept coming in, all the dogs who had eaten choklit and mince pies and tin foil.
Mummy went to Sam's for the day with Louise for Sam's birthday lunch. They went to the pub and I found out after it was a dog friendly pub and Shirley and Ollie got to go but I didn't. Not fair. Mummy said it was my job to look after Lotty so the next day I showed them how good I was at looking after Lotty by coming to the vets with them. Mummy said it might be better cos everytime she ahd to give Lotty rescue remedy and on the days when they were kept waiting ages Lotty got so worked up she ended up knocking her canula out and then it took even longer to give her the medicine. Except I was scared too and I accidentally did a really big poo in the middle of the waiting room and that didn't calm Lotty down at all and Mummy said I wasn't coming again.
We didn't do anything for New Years eve. Lotty went to the vets at four same as every other day then we watched telly and I thought I would have an early night so I went up to bed about ten but then someone started letting off fireworks at midnight and I could hear them and got scared so I cried and Mummy had to come upstairs and sit with me.
What we did in November. By Bessie
So, we've been super busy lately, as you can see by how long it has taken me to write my blog. Possibly not interesting busy, just work and rescuing houndies and going for walks and cleaning the house and stuff. Lemme see if I can find anything interesting that happened in November to tell you about.
Daddy went away to Grandad's for the weekend and Tom and Mummy took us to Cosmeston for a walk with Louis, Rollo, Mouse and their mummy. Lotty and Mouse had lots of fun playing and chasing cos us old timers don't like to run about as much.
Tom had a birthday, the humans went out to dinner at their favourite pub.
Me and Mummy went to stay at Miss Diane's house for the weekend with Miss Susan, Louise and Sam and all the houndies. We had a chinese takeaway on Saturday and on Sunday we went for a walk to Dovestone's reservoir to meet all our friends. At the end of the walk Navi came home with us. We got stuck in traffic and it took 6 hours to get home. Navi sang most of the way. 6 hours is a long time when someone is singing in your ear.
The next Saturday Mummy and Daddy drove Navi to Dorset to the Birkett-Smith Animal Sanctuary where the lovely Joy was going to look after her and make her super adoptable. After they said goodbye to Navi Mummy was driving when suddenly this big tanker came flying round a blind bend on a really narrow road and Mummy screamed and she tried to brake and ended up wedged in between the tanker and the embankment. Daddy had to climb over the seat and get the car out for her and then the tanker could move. When they checked they thought the car was going to be destroyed but other than a bit of mud there wasn't a scratch on it. Then Daddy took Mummy for a pub lunch cos she was feeling sad about leaving Navi even though we know she is going to be ok now.
Daddy went away to Grandad's for the weekend and Tom and Mummy took us to Cosmeston for a walk with Louis, Rollo, Mouse and their mummy. Lotty and Mouse had lots of fun playing and chasing cos us old timers don't like to run about as much.
Tom had a birthday, the humans went out to dinner at their favourite pub.
Me and Mummy went to stay at Miss Diane's house for the weekend with Miss Susan, Louise and Sam and all the houndies. We had a chinese takeaway on Saturday and on Sunday we went for a walk to Dovestone's reservoir to meet all our friends. At the end of the walk Navi came home with us. We got stuck in traffic and it took 6 hours to get home. Navi sang most of the way. 6 hours is a long time when someone is singing in your ear.
The next Saturday Mummy and Daddy drove Navi to Dorset to the Birkett-Smith Animal Sanctuary where the lovely Joy was going to look after her and make her super adoptable. After they said goodbye to Navi Mummy was driving when suddenly this big tanker came flying round a blind bend on a really narrow road and Mummy screamed and she tried to brake and ended up wedged in between the tanker and the embankment. Daddy had to climb over the seat and get the car out for her and then the tanker could move. When they checked they thought the car was going to be destroyed but other than a bit of mud there wasn't a scratch on it. Then Daddy took Mummy for a pub lunch cos she was feeling sad about leaving Navi even though we know she is going to be ok now.
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