Hi Guys! (as all the best bloggers say). I have been so busy I haven't had time to blog in forever. We have a foster dog at the moment, Nelson. He's been here for two weeks now.
But I will get to that later. In February we had our youngest dog ever come into rescue. Honey was only 14 weeks old. Looby picked her up from her home and brought her to our house and she stayed overnight. We were all a bit nervous about having such a young baby in the house but she was very good. The next day Mummy and Katie took her to her new home in Oldham. They stopped on the way to see Aunty Diane, Millie and Lola. Millie was in a good mood and let Mummy give her cuddles. Honey got a bop on the nose off one of the puddytats, she didn't like that.
Then Aunty Diane went to Rachel's house with Mummy, Katie and Honey. Lulu and Bill loved Honey and the humans too of course so Mummy said ok she can stay with you forever and ever and ever. Then they took Aunty Diane home and went to Grandma and Grandad's. When they got there baby Louisa was there cos Aunty Mic, Uncle Rob, Sasha and Ben had gone to the pictures and Grandma and Grandad were babysitting. Baby Louisa must have thought Mummy was Aunty Mic though cos she kept getting excited then looking again and crying so Mummy had to try and sit where Baby Louisa couldn't see her.
After Aunty Mic had taken Baby Louisa home they had tea and watched telly and stuff. The next day they went to Wigan to do a homecheck. Mummy and Grandma did the homecheck while Grandad and Katie went for a drive. It was snowing in Wigan but not anywhere else, which was a bit weird. Then they went to The Range and had hot chocolate and bought stuff they didn't really need. And after that it was time for Mummy and Katie to come home to see their favourite dog in the whole world.
On the way Katie wanted to go to Ikea Birmingham cos, well it was there. Tom said Daddy was doing a job in the kitchen and there was dust everywhere so they decided they would go to Ikea then. Ikea in Birmingham was very strange. Even though it was 5pm on a Saturday and it should have been super quiet, it was busier than a Saturday in December in Cardiff Ikea. They shuffled round for a bit, decided not to have tea cos the restaurant and the hot dog stall were both chaos, then they left and stopped at KFC instead at the end of the M50. But this man who looked like homeless Jesus was hanging his skanky long hair and his skanky long beard all over the food on the counter, including the two cokes they had poured out even though the food was nowhere near ready (Mummy hates that). So when the man gave her the tray of food she said he forgot the cokes and he pointed to the two cokes on the counter and said they were hers. Mummy said no they weren't she would like fresh ones please. And homeless Jesus, swung his hair and muttered that they were hers. Mummy just glowered at him and waited for her new drinks. Then homeless Jesus decided he wanted to sit at the very next table. Pffff.
I had to go to the vets cos I had another ear infection. The vet was mean and I was scared and growled at him the whole time and he sat on the table and told me to shut up. Then he told Mummy I was probably completely deaf in that ear. He was a quack. When he opened the door I ran so fast into the waiting room I knocked over a cat box and a King Charles Spaniel. Their mummy was not impressed but I blame the vet. He was mean and I didn't like his accent.
Looby invited Mummy, Spam and Ellen to lunch so Mummy took Lotty too cos she thought she might like a day out. First they went to Spams and then they all got in Spams big red bus and went to pick up another rescue dog, Charlie. Then Charlie got in the big red bus with Lotty and they went to pick up Looby and Ellen. Then they all went to a park in Windsor to meet Lisa and Paul and the mini humans and bassets. Charlie was going to stay with them for a few days before going to his new home in Devon.
Then they went back to Looby's and she had made a most stupendous lunch and they all had a lovely time and Lotty played with her boyfriend Bertie and Frank. Penny had a bad leg so she couldn't play but Lotty cuddled on her bed with her to make her feel better. I wish I had been there, I am a qualified nurse and everything.
The next day there was a basset walk in Wiltshire but Daddy didn't want to come cos he was finishing the pantry and Mummy didn't feel like driving all that way twice in a weekend so we just went for a walk up the hill instead.
Mummy and Daddy had a wedding anniversary so they went out to dinner. We weren't invited but neither were the minihumans so that's ok.
Carly had a gotcha day. Mummy baked biscuits in the shape of little bones and we had a tea party.
Tom doggysat for Beau, Bones and Loki. Mummy had to go and look after them for a bit cos Tom had a job interview. Then she had to go to Cheltenham to meet Ryan at the holiday inn. To pick Nelson up, not for no funny business. She did say shall we get Nelson to take our photo going in but Nelson was a spoilsport and said no. So Ryan went home to his home and Mummy and Nelson came home to our home. And he has been here ever since.
Daddy went away for the night with work last week so we had the whole bed to ourselves. Of course we still all slept on Mummy's head though.
Yesterday we had the Basset Hound Takeover at the indoor dog park in Cardiff. Some of the people came over to our house first for a pre party party. So we had 9 dogs in the house and then we all went to Cardiff in convoy. We got there a bit early to set up the raffle but we weren't allowed in til 4 cos they had to let all the other dogs out first. Two German Shepherds were the last to leave. I bet they wished they hadn't left it so late though cos when they came through the gate there were 40 basset hounds waiting in the entrance. I bet they never expected to see that.
It was good fun at the dog park, we could all run about off the lead for two hours and run and chase and Elle was teaching all the dogs agility. She is a good agility teacher, especially for a six year old human. We met loads of friends and some new people we were friends with off facebook but never met before like Poppy and Matilda. We can't wait to go again. Nelson was a bit grumpy but he has got an ear infection and I think it was a bit overwhelming for him with so many dogs wanting to play.
Next week is Easter Holidays so we have the minihumans home all day and we are going to Somerset with the walking club on Sunday.