The other day we had a really bad storm. It rained literally all day long. Mummy's work had about six power cuts. She says every time the power went off her computer went off but nobody else's did cos theirs are all brand new with battery back up but hers is old and crap but her boss won't buy her a new one. Then that evening we was just sitting down to watch telly when the power went off. Daddy went outside to check and the whole village was in darkness. I tell you what, it's very dark in the countryside at night. Where we lived before was quite rural but it's proper country here, even though we're closer to the city centre. So Mummy phoned the electricity board and they said one of the power lines had come down and they hoped they would fix it soon. As it turns out it was only out for an hour and a half. Mind you the way the minihumans and Daddy carried on you'd think it had been days, weeks even. Daddy lay on the lounge carpet and slept, very noisily. That was a really dumb place to lie down too cos it was pitch dark and everyone kept falling over him. The little minihumans sulked cos they couldn't do anything. Mummy said she didn't mind, she lit all her candles and played angry birds on her phone and cuddled with me.
The next day the man next door came round to tell us the fence had blown down but when we went to check it was only leaning a little bit, the gap wasn't big enough to climb through. We all tried. He said he would try and get over to fix it when it stopped raining. But it didn't stop raining til Saturday. So on Saturday morning, that's today, he came round and he said it had blown over a bit more last night so we went to check and this time the gap was big enough to get through. Lotty was very excited, she tried to climb through the gap, but Graham next door stuck his head in the hole and give her a kiss, then he put a big block of wood and a load of stones in the way so we couldn't escape. He said he didn't mind if we came into his garden cos he thinks we are cute but he was worried we might get out into the street. I said I don't mind if we get into the street, we can go and play with the horses. Then a horse walked past so we all shouted HIYA. But Mummy told Graham we were scared of horses and told us to be quiet. We're not scared of horses. We're not. We could have a horse in a fight any time.
Then we went for a walk round the village but we didn't meet anyone to talk to. It was very quiet out today. So we come home and ran round the lounge for a bit then went upstairs and put our muddy feet on the white duvet. That didn't go down too well to be honest.

Saturday, 21 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Basset Rescue Network Christmas Party
Sunday was our Christmas Party. We baked all day Friday. We made doggy treats; mackerel & sweet potato, banana & peanut butter and liver & apple. Then we put them in Christmassy gift bags with a pretty red ribbon. We also made rolo cupcakes and smartie cupcakes with candy canes and tons of other stuff. We were in the kitchen all day. Mummy brought our bed in so we could help by sleeping. Carly didn't want to sleep though, she ate all the potato peelings and carrot heads. Weirdo. Tom ate left over rollos. Me and Lotty taste tested the doggy treats. They were good.
"DOGS?" the man looked horrified. "Nobody told me you were bringing dogs."
"Erm we are the BASSET rescue network." Mummy said.
"I know that," snapped the man, "If I'd known there were going to be dogs I'd have told you to bring mats. Have you got mats?"
"Oh yes," Mummy lied, "Don't worry about that." Well it was only a little lie, we had our own beds to lie on and Miss Sam had some bits of carpet for the musical mats game.
Of course we love all the dogs that we have had through the rescue, all ten of them. But some are especially precious to us. Merlot and Poppy are our two little princesses. We all fell in love with those two.
On Sunday we loaded the car up. We had so much stuff that we wondered if we were going to have to take both cars but eventually we squeezed everything in. We had to share the boot with all the cans of pop and agility equipment and Mummy had the hamper on her lap and couldn't see out of the window. You'll be glad to know Daddy was driving or we would all be deaded.
When we got to the party we was a bit muddled cos there was nobody there and we wondered if we got the right place. Then Mr Wayne arrived, he thought the party started at 10.30 so him was a teensy bit early (it was 10.45 and the party was due to start at 12). I bet his minihumans wasn't impressed much.
Then the man from the hall arrived so Mummy went inside to talk to him while we went for a walk round the field. He asked Mummy what was happening today, was it a party? And Mummy said that it was a party for dogs. There would be a fun show, food and Santa and some party games.
"DOGS?" the man looked horrified. "Nobody told me you were bringing dogs."
"Erm we are the BASSET rescue network." Mummy said.
"I know that," snapped the man, "If I'd known there were going to be dogs I'd have told you to bring mats. Have you got mats?"
"Oh yes," Mummy lied, "Don't worry about that." Well it was only a little lie, we had our own beds to lie on and Miss Sam had some bits of carpet for the musical mats game.
So the man showed Mummy where everything was and then hovered around looking increasingly cross as more people kept arriving and bringing DOGS into the hall. Then Miss Sam arrived with the money and paid the man and FINALLY he went and left us to it.
Anyway, the hall wasn't very clean, there were crumbs all over the floor. Lucky we houndies were there to clean it up for him. I reckon we left it cleaner than we found it and that was after eleventyseven wees and 3 poos.
By the time everyone arrived we had 52 humans and 33 doggies and we made a right old racket. Them acoustics in the hall was good for howling and barking. I don't think the humans were that keen on the noise, I think most of them went home with headaches. Miss Clair, Mr Neil and Harry brought us Poppy, our new foster dog that they had collected for us the night before. She was very very beautiful and very shy and every single person who met her fell instantly in love.
The humans had party food for lunch and then we played some games and had a fun dog show. I can't remember who won what though cos we lost the piece of paper! I think it was:
Saddest Face - Monty (he wasn't even entered but he wandered into the middle of the ring and slumped down with a sigh and Mr Ian (our judge) felt sorry for him.
Best Party Trick - We think that was Wilson with his rolling over for a treat trick.
Best Rescue Story - Carly.
Musical Mats - Bryn and Lotty.
Dog who looks most like their owner - Bryan and Harry.
Snossij race - Aimee and Shirley.
Longest Ears - Fleur (27cm).
Egg and Spoon Race - Kayleigh and Shirley.
Best family of dogs - The Nicholls family.
Santa came and gave us all a present. The dogs had a bag of treats and the human children had a selection box. He didn't let us sit on his lap though. Shirley did. She said she knew Santa better than the rest of us and he said she could sit on his lap. I don't know how she knows Santa better though. I is the best behaved girl in the world so I think if anyone was allowed to sit on his lap it should have been me.
Then we stopped for a break and to draw the raffle. But while the raffle was being drawn little Stella had a seizure and it was ever so scary but luckily Miss Emma was there. She was ever so calm and good and she helped her come out of it gently.
And then we run out of time so we never got to do the fancy dress or the agility cos it was 4.45 and we had to be out of the hall by five. So we cleaned up and then it was time to go home.
Anyway apart from the incident with Stella which was very sad and worrying (but me is happy to report she is ok now) and the noise, I think everybody had a good time. We liked the fact that all the humans were really chilled out about their dogs, nobody was being precious and making a fuss and the dogs were very relaxed and really let theirselves go. Although we would like to know who was so relaxed they let themselves go on Shirley's bed. Someone said they thought it was a big white basset. That means it was either Bert, Archie or me (clue: it definitely wasn't me). Shirley said she's going to have their guts for garters (or poo in their basket).
We took Poppy back home with us. She was very good and we all snuggled up together in the back of the car. There was a bit more room on the way home cos even though we had an extra dog, she was only a teeny one and we didn't have all the food and the hamper to carry.
When we got home we all had some food. Poppy was very polite and ate ladylike like I do not like a big fat pig like Carly or pushing her bowl round the room at 400 miles an hour like Lotty. Then we sat in the lounge and watched telly. Poppy sat on Mummy's lap. Carly didn't like that and sat on her cushion sulking but Mummy said we should all be nice to Poppy cos she's had a very traumatic time. She had her puppies nine weeks ago, then she got given away to Miss Clair and Mr Neil, who brought her a very noisy party with lots of new people all wanting to meet her. Then spending a night at our house and off to Miss Lesley tomorrow. So we were all nice to her (Carly was still sulking though). And that night Poppy slept on the end of Tom's bed. She was a very good girl and didn't get up in the night.
Yesterday, Monday, we had to wait in cos the people from the charity shop were coming to pick up the old lounge suite. They came about 11.30 and then we just cuddled and watched telly. Mummy needed to hoover really but Poppy was scared of it so she said it can wait. When it was time to pick Katie and Bryn up from school Mummy and Tom took Lotty and Poppy with them. They said it's ok, they're only going to the V E T. Mummy always says that though and then Lotty will tell me about some exciting adventure when she gets back.
But it turns out they did just go to the V E T. They was both weighed, Lotty is 20.8kg and Poppy is 16kg. Then Poppy had her puppy injections, even though she is four next month and Lotty had her booster. Lotty said to tell me and Carly that she didn't have to have kennel cough cos Mummy said we're not going into kennels anytime soon. Then the V E T asked if Lotty had been deflead recently and Mummy said she never does, she uses garlic tablets. the V E T rolled his eyes and said that doesn't work. But then he ran his flea comb through Lotty's hair and admitted that maybe it was working for us but it doesn't work for anyone else. Then they went and bought some food in Pets at Home and Poppy barked at a lady with a bionic leg and Mummy had to ask her politely not to be so mean.
When they got home the humans had their tea and after tea we all said goodbye to Poppy. Then Mummy and Daddy got in the car with her and took her to Miss Lesley's house. We think Daddy only went to make sure Mummy actually dropped her off cos he could see Mummy was falling in love with Poppy and wanted her to stay.
When they got to Miss Lesley's, Bella and Wilbur was very friendly and greeted Poppy nicely. Poppy was a bit growly with Miss Lesley at first cos she does that every time she meets someone new. But she was ok after a few minutes. But then when Mummy and Daddy went to leave (i.e. Daddy dragged Mummy kicking and screaming out of the house) Poppy was crying for Mummy.
This morning Miss Lesley told us that Poppy had a good night snuggled up with Bella and Wilbur. Her and Bella are best friends and Mr Andrew loves her. We knew he would, everybody does.
Of course we love all the dogs that we have had through the rescue, all ten of them. But some are especially precious to us. Merlot and Poppy are our two little princesses. We all fell in love with those two.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
In which Bessie goes to a sleepover. By Bessie
On Monday Mummy was off work so she did loads of baking. She made sugar cookies and peanut butter cookies. On Tuesday Mr Gary and Mr Steve went to see Jackson at Miss Lesley's. Miss Lesley's daughter, Emma is a groomer so she give him a baff and did his toebones first so him was all lovely and fluffy. Of course Mr Gary and Mr Steve and Sally the corgi loved him so they adopted him. Mummy and Carly went to meet them at McDonalds to give them his papers and they had a little cuddle with Jackson and Sally. Mummy said Sally was beautiful.
On Wednesday Mummy went to work so we stayed home with Tom. On Thursday Mummy and Tom went out and did some Christmas shopping. They was ever so pleased with themselves and said they had a good days shopping and got loads of presents.
Mummy was doing overtime on Friday but the new settee and armchair was being delivered but they said it could be anytime between 7am and 7pm. but they would phone an hour before. So she say she will come home when they phone and then go back to work if she has to. But we was first on the run cos we is so close to the shop so they phoned at ten past seven so lucky they come before she went to work. Daddy took Katie and Bryn to school and Mummy waited for the delivery.
When the delivery men come one got out the truck to see where they would bring the settee and chair in so Mummy took him round the back to show him the patio doors. Him said it was a nice place we got and Mummy says thank you but don't look at the carpet. Then he went back to the lorry and both men brought the settee in. The second man says it a nice place too and the first man laughed and said "She only bought it for the carpet."
"you should have seen the matching lampshades," said Mummy. Then the second man looked up at our dead nice lampshade and goes "Ugh yeah."
"Not that one!" screamed Mummy, "That's mine!" The man blushed and the other man laughed and said he always puts his foot in it. Then they took the covers off and asked Mummy to check it while they went to get the chair. So she lay down on the settee before we could - we was locked in Tom's room so we didn't eat the delivery men. Then the phone rang so Mummy asked Tom to sign for the chairs while she answered it. By the time she come back the delivery men had gone, Tom and me was lay in the armchair and Lotty and Carly was lay on the settee. Mummy shouted at us and made us get off. Then she shut the door and went to work and we had to sit in Tom's room all day. Not that we mind, we like Tom's room.
Yesterday me and Mummy went on an adventure. We got in the car and we packed a sleeping bag and pillow for Mummy and a blankie for me and we drove to Miss Sam's house. When we got there we took all our stuff out of our car, well not all our stuff - we left the sunglasses and the crisp packets and that smelly sock that's been under the passenger seat for the last year - and we put it all in Miss Sam's bus. We went inside her house and I had a run about in the garden with Shirley and Ollie while Mummy had a cup of tea. Then we got in Miss Sam's bus with Miss Sam and we drove to Miss Louise's house.
When we got there I had a wee on her next door neighbours lawn and then we went in and cuddled with Penny, Frank and Bertie. Mr Dave was at work and the minihumans was upstairs in their bedrooms. So the humans had cups of tea and we houndies ate all the hobnobs. Then the humans went in the kitchen and pretended to have a meeting. So me and Penny lay on the settee and had a cuddle and the boys sat on the rug. But then after it gone dark a burglar came in through the back door so I shouted at him, lots. But the ladies wasn't happy with my shouting. And the burglar wasn't happy with my shouting so he went upstairs and when he come back he was wearing jammies and it was Mr Dave and then I remembered he lives here so I said he could stay. Then the minihumans, Annie and Sam come downstairs and I said they could stay. But Ginger the cat wasn't allowed to stay. So I chased him under the dining table and he scratched me on the nose. Nobody cared. Nobody kissed me better, they said it served me right. I think they are very mean.
Us houndies had our dinner and then the humans had fajitas for their dinner and then they drinked lots of drinks what made them laugh lots at things that wasn't funny. After tea Mr Dave and Sam went upstairs and Annie was on her puter in the lounge and the lady humans wrapped all the presents up for the Christmas Party next week. So we watched and catched any bits of the presents (what I not going to tell you what they is cos then it won't be a surprise) what fell on the floor. Oh and they wanted to talk to Uncle MrJeff about the website so them did some sort of videocall or something so them could all talk at the same time - over each other I do think but it not my place to say - anyway I videocalled with George and Winston and it was really cool!
When them finished talking to Uncle MrJeff about the website and them finished wrapping the presents then them sat in the lounge and watched some films and us houndies all got to snuggle with a human. And then one minute we were watching Miracle on 34th Street and the next minute it was morning and Mr Dave was getting up to go to work. So we all run out to shout HELLO at him very loudly cos that's what you do to be polite. Mummy was lay on her only working ear though so she didn't hear me shouting HELLO and couldn't shout at me.
After Mr Dave went to work we all come back to bed, Bertie got in with Mummy, and went back to sleep for a few hours and by the time we woke up again it was light and time for bacon butties and then we had to go. I was sad to go cos I really loves spending time with my friends, especially Penny I loves her lots. But Mummy say it OK cos me see them all again in a week. So we says goodbye and then we gets back in Miss Sam's bus and drives back to Miss Sam's house, has a wee, has a cup of tea, gets back in our own car. We stops at the services for a KFC and a wee and then we goes home.
When we got to Bristol we was stuck for ages in a traffic jam cos some wide load was taking up the whole motorway and going very very slow. Lucky for us it was turning off to go down the M5 and not carrying on into Wales so we was only held up for about half an hour. We was waiting ages at the bridge too cos they lets people pay by card at the coin bin. This is stupid cos you saves up the right money to save time not so you can wait for ages while people put their blummin pin numbers in.
When we got home Carly was very happy to see Mummy, I think she missed her lots. Nobody else was, they all hates her haha. Then we had tea and snoozed on the new furniture.
On Wednesday Mummy went to work so we stayed home with Tom. On Thursday Mummy and Tom went out and did some Christmas shopping. They was ever so pleased with themselves and said they had a good days shopping and got loads of presents.
Mummy was doing overtime on Friday but the new settee and armchair was being delivered but they said it could be anytime between 7am and 7pm. but they would phone an hour before. So she say she will come home when they phone and then go back to work if she has to. But we was first on the run cos we is so close to the shop so they phoned at ten past seven so lucky they come before she went to work. Daddy took Katie and Bryn to school and Mummy waited for the delivery.
When the delivery men come one got out the truck to see where they would bring the settee and chair in so Mummy took him round the back to show him the patio doors. Him said it was a nice place we got and Mummy says thank you but don't look at the carpet. Then he went back to the lorry and both men brought the settee in. The second man says it a nice place too and the first man laughed and said "She only bought it for the carpet."
"you should have seen the matching lampshades," said Mummy. Then the second man looked up at our dead nice lampshade and goes "Ugh yeah."
"Not that one!" screamed Mummy, "That's mine!" The man blushed and the other man laughed and said he always puts his foot in it. Then they took the covers off and asked Mummy to check it while they went to get the chair. So she lay down on the settee before we could - we was locked in Tom's room so we didn't eat the delivery men. Then the phone rang so Mummy asked Tom to sign for the chairs while she answered it. By the time she come back the delivery men had gone, Tom and me was lay in the armchair and Lotty and Carly was lay on the settee. Mummy shouted at us and made us get off. Then she shut the door and went to work and we had to sit in Tom's room all day. Not that we mind, we like Tom's room.
Yesterday me and Mummy went on an adventure. We got in the car and we packed a sleeping bag and pillow for Mummy and a blankie for me and we drove to Miss Sam's house. When we got there we took all our stuff out of our car, well not all our stuff - we left the sunglasses and the crisp packets and that smelly sock that's been under the passenger seat for the last year - and we put it all in Miss Sam's bus. We went inside her house and I had a run about in the garden with Shirley and Ollie while Mummy had a cup of tea. Then we got in Miss Sam's bus with Miss Sam and we drove to Miss Louise's house.
When we got there I had a wee on her next door neighbours lawn and then we went in and cuddled with Penny, Frank and Bertie. Mr Dave was at work and the minihumans was upstairs in their bedrooms. So the humans had cups of tea and we houndies ate all the hobnobs. Then the humans went in the kitchen and pretended to have a meeting. So me and Penny lay on the settee and had a cuddle and the boys sat on the rug. But then after it gone dark a burglar came in through the back door so I shouted at him, lots. But the ladies wasn't happy with my shouting. And the burglar wasn't happy with my shouting so he went upstairs and when he come back he was wearing jammies and it was Mr Dave and then I remembered he lives here so I said he could stay. Then the minihumans, Annie and Sam come downstairs and I said they could stay. But Ginger the cat wasn't allowed to stay. So I chased him under the dining table and he scratched me on the nose. Nobody cared. Nobody kissed me better, they said it served me right. I think they are very mean.
Us houndies had our dinner and then the humans had fajitas for their dinner and then they drinked lots of drinks what made them laugh lots at things that wasn't funny. After tea Mr Dave and Sam went upstairs and Annie was on her puter in the lounge and the lady humans wrapped all the presents up for the Christmas Party next week. So we watched and catched any bits of the presents (what I not going to tell you what they is cos then it won't be a surprise) what fell on the floor. Oh and they wanted to talk to Uncle MrJeff about the website so them did some sort of videocall or something so them could all talk at the same time - over each other I do think but it not my place to say - anyway I videocalled with George and Winston and it was really cool!
When them finished talking to Uncle MrJeff about the website and them finished wrapping the presents then them sat in the lounge and watched some films and us houndies all got to snuggle with a human. And then one minute we were watching Miracle on 34th Street and the next minute it was morning and Mr Dave was getting up to go to work. So we all run out to shout HELLO at him very loudly cos that's what you do to be polite. Mummy was lay on her only working ear though so she didn't hear me shouting HELLO and couldn't shout at me.
After Mr Dave went to work we all come back to bed, Bertie got in with Mummy, and went back to sleep for a few hours and by the time we woke up again it was light and time for bacon butties and then we had to go. I was sad to go cos I really loves spending time with my friends, especially Penny I loves her lots. But Mummy say it OK cos me see them all again in a week. So we says goodbye and then we gets back in Miss Sam's bus and drives back to Miss Sam's house, has a wee, has a cup of tea, gets back in our own car. We stops at the services for a KFC and a wee and then we goes home.
When we got to Bristol we was stuck for ages in a traffic jam cos some wide load was taking up the whole motorway and going very very slow. Lucky for us it was turning off to go down the M5 and not carrying on into Wales so we was only held up for about half an hour. We was waiting ages at the bridge too cos they lets people pay by card at the coin bin. This is stupid cos you saves up the right money to save time not so you can wait for ages while people put their blummin pin numbers in.
When we got home Carly was very happy to see Mummy, I think she missed her lots. Nobody else was, they all hates her haha. Then we had tea and snoozed on the new furniture.
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