You want to hear something disgusting? Right now Daddy is eating sugar puffs out of a red plastic bowl. Dry sugar puffs. He isn't using a spoon, he just keeps shoving his face into the bowl and bringing it out with sugar puffs stuck to it. I would like to say I have better eating habits than Daddy. Also he has only just finished a huge plate of chikin curry. He shouldn't need a bowl of dry sugar puffs. Daddy thinks he should have a pudding after every meal (that includes the three breakfasts he has every day). Firstly because he has the eating habits of a toddler and secondly because Nanny has a pudding after every meal.
By the way have you ever heard the noise a grown man makes when he's eating dry sugar puffs out of a plastic bowl using only his face as a spoon? It's not a nice noise, trust me.
So today is Saturday. Daddy paints the back step and then puts our car ramp over it so we can get in and out without getting white paint on our feeties. Then him and Mummy and us go for a walk down our castle. Mummy puts me and Lotty in the harnesses but let's Carly walk along without even a lead on. This is not fair. I show her my disgust by walking a hundred yards then sitting down in the middle of the pavement. She comes back and takes the harness off and lets me walk without a lead. But then Daddy gets cross because we are walking too slow for his liking so Mummy says we all have to go on a lead. But when we get down the castle we are allowed off for a run about. Even norty Lotty. Carly rolls on a pile of dandelion seeds. She will regret that when she's itching all night. Lotty rolls on a poo, luckily it is a dry poo so Mummy manages to get her off before she gets through the crust.
Then we meet and greet with a whippet and a golden retriever and then we go home and me and Mummy go to the Basset Club of Wales committee meeting.
Mummy gets a big comfy orange chair and puts my pink blankie on it so I can sit round the table and join in the meeting. I like to join in. Mummy makes everyone a cup of coffee and Aunty Tina bought cake but Mummy says I'm not allowed a slice of cake because it's got raisins in it so she gets a pink sponge cake out of her bag and says I can have that instead. It is very nice pink cake. Mummy says she is going to arrange a walk so apparently we is going to go on a walk and a picnic in Penarth in August. We hopes people come on our walk. It be very embarrassing if nobody turns up.

Saturday, 29 June 2013
Friday, 28 June 2013
Nutella is not a good look. Trust me. By Bessie
Tom has finished college now so we has him home all day. We likes this, he takes us for a nice walk every day and then when Mummy comes home from work we go for another walk.
The people who are buying our house are back off holiday now so we hoping they get on with all the solicitor stuff and that and we can get a moving date soon. We is ready and keen to get on with it now. Actually we has been ready and keen for over a year.
Last night after school Katie asks if she can go and get her hair cut so Mummy and her and Bryn go to Tesco. Not to buy scissors, they has a hairdressers in there and everything. So they go to the hairdresser and ask if they has any appointments but they can't do it for another hour so they wanders round the shop for a bit. They look at all the make up. They give each other make overs. Mummy goes for a poo. Bryn goes for a poo. They read the magazines. They buy drinks and birds eye potato waffles waffly versatile for tea and cereal for breakfast. They choose new hair colours. Mummy likes bright orange. Katie likes brown. Mummy says every pack of dye she picks up is exactly the same as Katie's own hair. They buy hair gel. They spray perfume until a perfume girl comes over to help. So Katie says she wants this particular perfume but she can't remember the name but she has a little one that she got out of a set for christmas. "I have it here," she says and starts pulling things out of her blazer pocket. This is what Katie had in her pocket (bearing in mind she's been to school, this is what she thinks she needs in school): 2 biros (one leaking and has leaked on everything else in her pocket), bottle of perfume, mascara, eyeliner pencil, Mummy's watch. And all the time she is pulling things out of her pocket the girl is waiting to sell them some perfume. Anyway she is disappointed cos they don't sell the perfume that Katie had in her pocket, or the other two perfumes that she has on her wishlist.
Then they go back to the hairdresser and Katie has her hair cut while Mummy reads Grand Designs magazine and Good Housekeeping magazine and Bryn kicks the chairs until Mummy screams at him to stop.
While Mummy and Bryn are waiting they see a lady go into the tanning booth normal colour and come out looking like she got dipped in nutella. We do not recommend you do this to yourself. It doesn't look nice.
After Katie has finished having her hair done, which takes ages cos she is so fussy, she says to Mummy that she thinks Bryn should have his done while they are there. Mummy looks at Bryn's massive quiff and thinks Katie is probably right but wishes she had said this 3 hours ago cos there is now a queue. So Mummy pays for both haircuts and they sit down and wait for the hairdresser. Katie shows the hairdresser a picture on her phone of a haircut that she likes and Mummy says it's OK for Katie to choose so long as a) Bryn likes it and b) He doesn't look stupid.
So the hairdresser is doing Bryn's hair and Katie keeps going over with "helpful" suggestions and the hairdresser looks like she is getting a bit fed up of being told how to do her job by a teenager. So Mummy tells Katie to leave the poor woman alone and Katie says she is going to look at the hair sprays but while she is gone the hairdresser comes over to Mummy and Mummy thinks she is going to ask Mummy if the haircut is OK but no, she wants to know where Katie has gone so she can ask Katie if it OK! Haha, Mummy think she is the one paying for the flippin haircut. So Mummy goes to fetch Katie and Katie approves of the haircut and they leave, finally three and a half hours and a box of defrosted potato waffles later.
Then they come home and make our tea and have their tea and we go upstairs to watch Eastenders but Carly and Lotty are in a silly mood and play fight all the way through Eastenders so we watch but not hear. Some girl got drunk and fell over. Some woman got sad and fell over. Some man got cross and kicked over a bin. The end.
The people who are buying our house are back off holiday now so we hoping they get on with all the solicitor stuff and that and we can get a moving date soon. We is ready and keen to get on with it now. Actually we has been ready and keen for over a year.
Last night after school Katie asks if she can go and get her hair cut so Mummy and her and Bryn go to Tesco. Not to buy scissors, they has a hairdressers in there and everything. So they go to the hairdresser and ask if they has any appointments but they can't do it for another hour so they wanders round the shop for a bit. They look at all the make up. They give each other make overs. Mummy goes for a poo. Bryn goes for a poo. They read the magazines. They buy drinks and birds eye potato waffles waffly versatile for tea and cereal for breakfast. They choose new hair colours. Mummy likes bright orange. Katie likes brown. Mummy says every pack of dye she picks up is exactly the same as Katie's own hair. They buy hair gel. They spray perfume until a perfume girl comes over to help. So Katie says she wants this particular perfume but she can't remember the name but she has a little one that she got out of a set for christmas. "I have it here," she says and starts pulling things out of her blazer pocket. This is what Katie had in her pocket (bearing in mind she's been to school, this is what she thinks she needs in school): 2 biros (one leaking and has leaked on everything else in her pocket), bottle of perfume, mascara, eyeliner pencil, Mummy's watch. And all the time she is pulling things out of her pocket the girl is waiting to sell them some perfume. Anyway she is disappointed cos they don't sell the perfume that Katie had in her pocket, or the other two perfumes that she has on her wishlist.
Then they go back to the hairdresser and Katie has her hair cut while Mummy reads Grand Designs magazine and Good Housekeeping magazine and Bryn kicks the chairs until Mummy screams at him to stop.
While Mummy and Bryn are waiting they see a lady go into the tanning booth normal colour and come out looking like she got dipped in nutella. We do not recommend you do this to yourself. It doesn't look nice.
After Katie has finished having her hair done, which takes ages cos she is so fussy, she says to Mummy that she thinks Bryn should have his done while they are there. Mummy looks at Bryn's massive quiff and thinks Katie is probably right but wishes she had said this 3 hours ago cos there is now a queue. So Mummy pays for both haircuts and they sit down and wait for the hairdresser. Katie shows the hairdresser a picture on her phone of a haircut that she likes and Mummy says it's OK for Katie to choose so long as a) Bryn likes it and b) He doesn't look stupid.
So the hairdresser is doing Bryn's hair and Katie keeps going over with "helpful" suggestions and the hairdresser looks like she is getting a bit fed up of being told how to do her job by a teenager. So Mummy tells Katie to leave the poor woman alone and Katie says she is going to look at the hair sprays but while she is gone the hairdresser comes over to Mummy and Mummy thinks she is going to ask Mummy if the haircut is OK but no, she wants to know where Katie has gone so she can ask Katie if it OK! Haha, Mummy think she is the one paying for the flippin haircut. So Mummy goes to fetch Katie and Katie approves of the haircut and they leave, finally three and a half hours and a box of defrosted potato waffles later.
Then they come home and make our tea and have their tea and we go upstairs to watch Eastenders but Carly and Lotty are in a silly mood and play fight all the way through Eastenders so we watch but not hear. Some girl got drunk and fell over. Some woman got sad and fell over. Some man got cross and kicked over a bin. The end.
Monday, 17 June 2013
The Fancy Dress Champion of South West England at your service. By Bessie
hmmm so many things happened. Where do I start? On Saturday we went to the basset club summer fun day. Miss Louise came with Frank and Penny, Mr Wayne and Ben brought Ronnie, and Miss Sophie and Mr John came with their minihumans and Gracie and Wanda. We was so happy to see Wanda again, she looked great and her and Gracie are getting on good and Gracie is all bettter.
It was a shame that Miss Tara couldn't come but we will see her and the houndies soon. We had a good day, I won first prize in the fancy dress third time running. Lotty came 2nd in the best dog and best rescue. We laughed lots with all our friends.
Yesterday it was Fathers Day and Mummy's birthday. Mummy got a candelabra what she been hinting at for like ever off Daddy, Katie made her a bag with a picture of me on it and Tom and Bryn bought her some white choklits. For fathers day Daddy got some crabbies alcoholic ginger beer off the mini humans and us houndies bought him a picture of us what we did get blowed up big. Mummy and Daddy had to go to the estate agents in town to take some forms in so we went for a walk with Tom and Bryn and Mummy, Daddy, Katie and Cerys went into town. They went to the estate agents and then they went to Starbucks and left after somebody did a massive burp and embarrassed everybody else. *shakes head at Mummy*.
Then them bringed McDonalds home for everybody.
Today we went for a walk with Mummy then we had a nap while she filled all her financial returns in for Basset Welfare and did some housework. Then Mummy went to get the minihumans from school and when Daddy got back they went out for dinner to the Indian Restaurant.
Oh yeah and we sold our house.
It was a shame that Miss Tara couldn't come but we will see her and the houndies soon. We had a good day, I won first prize in the fancy dress third time running. Lotty came 2nd in the best dog and best rescue. We laughed lots with all our friends.
Yesterday it was Fathers Day and Mummy's birthday. Mummy got a candelabra what she been hinting at for like ever off Daddy, Katie made her a bag with a picture of me on it and Tom and Bryn bought her some white choklits. For fathers day Daddy got some crabbies alcoholic ginger beer off the mini humans and us houndies bought him a picture of us what we did get blowed up big. Mummy and Daddy had to go to the estate agents in town to take some forms in so we went for a walk with Tom and Bryn and Mummy, Daddy, Katie and Cerys went into town. They went to the estate agents and then they went to Starbucks and left after somebody did a massive burp and embarrassed everybody else. *shakes head at Mummy*.
Then them bringed McDonalds home for everybody.
Today we went for a walk with Mummy then we had a nap while she filled all her financial returns in for Basset Welfare and did some housework. Then Mummy went to get the minihumans from school and when Daddy got back they went out for dinner to the Indian Restaurant.
Oh yeah and we sold our house.
Saturday, 8 June 2013
My very own pet chikin. By Bessie
So the people who came on Tuesday never phoned to make an offer and now they won't return the estate agents calls. That very silly. Just tell them you not interested, don't be big babies about it.
On Thursday it was Lotty's third birthday. She got a squeaky phone, a ball and a tuggy toy. I broke the ball and I got told off. Mummy defrosted some fish to make us a birthday fish pie but then she remembered she had someone coming to view the house the next day so she said we can have fish pie on Friday cos she don't want the house to smell bad. Anyway you supposed to eat fish on a Friday, it says so in the bible or something.
The wife of the man what came on Friday came to see the house on her own yesterday. Nobody could get time off work though so Mummy had to do all the cleaning, well actually there wasn't any cleaning - just mopping the floor and hoovering, by herself and then cos it was a warm day she didn't want to put us in the car so we had to be home when the lady came. Mummy hated doing that cos she don't want people to smell doggyness. That so cheeky, we doesn't smell. Anyway the lady said she liked dogs. Mummy said we can fill the pond in if you don't like it but her said she did like it. After she gone Geoff the estate agent say she really liked the house and her husband really liked the house so it looks promising. Mummy get all excited and then he drops the bombshell...they got three houses that they are deciding between. Oh...
The fish pie was lovely. It was cod, sardines mashed potato and coconut oil. We loved it lots.
So today nobody was coming to look at the house so Daddy drove Mummy to the dentist and then they went out to drop Katie off at her friends house and to buy a plant pot to replace the one what has split.
They thought they would have a look in this new furniture shop what has opened. It looked a bit cheap and nasty from the outside but it was amazing inside. They had all the furniture Mummy and Daddy want for the new house, even the suite for the lounge that Mummy invented in her head. Them wished them had sold the house cos them would have bought the lounge suit, a new memory foam mattress, a coffee table and a dining table and chairs. The shop was having a 50% off sale too but it finishes tomorrow. But them say they can't commit to buying stuff if they haven't got anywhere to put it. Them was sad.
Then they went to the garden centre and bought a really big plant pot. Mummy managed to control herself and didn't buy a single candle. Mind you she did say this morning she needs to go to Ikea to stock up on scented tealights. I think she might be slightly addicted to candles. Then the estate agent phoned and said her hasn't managed to get hold of the people from yesterday. *Big sigh* It like a never ending cycle of disappointment.
Did I tell you Daddy said we could have some chikins if we move to that cottage? Mummy and Daddy were in the fish shop last week and they sell chikins now and Andy what works there was telling Mummy and Daddy all about the chikins and them went to look and them was lovely. Mummy want these big brown ones called gold laced barnevelders. Daddy say he could build a good coop out of pallets what him could "borrow" from work. Mind you then Daddy changed his mind after and said us houndies might eat the chikins. We wouldn't. We are good girls.
On Thursday it was Lotty's third birthday. She got a squeaky phone, a ball and a tuggy toy. I broke the ball and I got told off. Mummy defrosted some fish to make us a birthday fish pie but then she remembered she had someone coming to view the house the next day so she said we can have fish pie on Friday cos she don't want the house to smell bad. Anyway you supposed to eat fish on a Friday, it says so in the bible or something.
The wife of the man what came on Friday came to see the house on her own yesterday. Nobody could get time off work though so Mummy had to do all the cleaning, well actually there wasn't any cleaning - just mopping the floor and hoovering, by herself and then cos it was a warm day she didn't want to put us in the car so we had to be home when the lady came. Mummy hated doing that cos she don't want people to smell doggyness. That so cheeky, we doesn't smell. Anyway the lady said she liked dogs. Mummy said we can fill the pond in if you don't like it but her said she did like it. After she gone Geoff the estate agent say she really liked the house and her husband really liked the house so it looks promising. Mummy get all excited and then he drops the bombshell...they got three houses that they are deciding between. Oh...
The fish pie was lovely. It was cod, sardines mashed potato and coconut oil. We loved it lots.
So today nobody was coming to look at the house so Daddy drove Mummy to the dentist and then they went out to drop Katie off at her friends house and to buy a plant pot to replace the one what has split.
They thought they would have a look in this new furniture shop what has opened. It looked a bit cheap and nasty from the outside but it was amazing inside. They had all the furniture Mummy and Daddy want for the new house, even the suite for the lounge that Mummy invented in her head. Them wished them had sold the house cos them would have bought the lounge suit, a new memory foam mattress, a coffee table and a dining table and chairs. The shop was having a 50% off sale too but it finishes tomorrow. But them say they can't commit to buying stuff if they haven't got anywhere to put it. Them was sad.
Then they went to the garden centre and bought a really big plant pot. Mummy managed to control herself and didn't buy a single candle. Mind you she did say this morning she needs to go to Ikea to stock up on scented tealights. I think she might be slightly addicted to candles. Then the estate agent phoned and said her hasn't managed to get hold of the people from yesterday. *Big sigh* It like a never ending cycle of disappointment.
Did I tell you Daddy said we could have some chikins if we move to that cottage? Mummy and Daddy were in the fish shop last week and they sell chikins now and Andy what works there was telling Mummy and Daddy all about the chikins and them went to look and them was lovely. Mummy want these big brown ones called gold laced barnevelders. Daddy say he could build a good coop out of pallets what him could "borrow" from work. Mind you then Daddy changed his mind after and said us houndies might eat the chikins. We wouldn't. We are good girls.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
In which we meet all our friends and go to see a windmill. By Bessie
On Saturday we has another viewing in the morning. While the big humans is showing the people the house we go to our castle with the mini humans. When we come home we sit on Tom's bed and watch him and Bryn play on the xbox. The big humans, Katie and Cerys go out to buy picnic food for our day out tomorrow. The estate agent phones and say the man from yesterday wants to come back next week with his wife and the other people from yesterday are thinking about it.
Them have their lunch at the cafe in The Range and then they go to Lidl and buy some nice snossijs for us houndies to have as treats tomorrow.
When them get back Mummy makes everybody's picnic and cooks our snossijs, then we has tea. I have kibble and gravy. The humans have pizza.
On Sunday we get up nice and early for our day out with the pack. Tom and Bryn want to stay home so the big humans, Katie and Cerys and all us houndies do go.
We stop on the way to go for a wee. When we gets to the place, it is in Wiltshire next to a canal, Miss Tara is already there so we go and talk to Issy, Monty and Bert. We has not met Bert before, he is very handsome and sweet. Then Miss Louise and Mr Dave come with Frank and Penny. We all have hello hugs and then it time to go on the walk. Miss Diane and Miss Denise are leading the walk. It is a lovely walk, we have a good time with all our friends. We meet Mr Wayne and his minihuman and George and Ronnie and we meet Miss Sam and Mr Ryan and their minihumans and Shirley and Olly. We go to a windmill and eat our lunch, then we go to the pub and all the humans have a drink. While we is having our picnic the estate agent phones and tells us that the people from yesterday aren't quite ready to make an offer but when they do it will be £*secret money* and would we accept that? So we say we would consider it but we can't say if we definitely accept it. So her say her will let them know.
After the walk we is sad to say goodbye to all our friends. Miss Louise and Miss Tara is good fun and all their houndies are lovely. We can't wait to meet up with everyone again.
Then we gets in the car and has a sleep. We stops at the motorway services for a wee on the way home and have a little lie down on the grass to cool down cos it a warm day.
On Monday the estate agent phones and says the people from Saturday who may or may not make an offer would like to come for another view tomorrow evening. Then we goes for a walk before Mummy goes to get the minihumans from school and college. Katie, Cerys and Bryn did go swimming then they come home and we all had tea. I had meat and gravy and the humans had baguettes.
Today, Tuesday, the people come for another viewing. We go out for a walk with the minihumans. Katie and Bryn take Lotty down the village and me and Carly go to the castle with Tom. While we are out Mummy and Daddy say they will sit in the garden and let the people look round on their own. Them has a good look round and then they ask some questions and then they leave. Then we come back and have tea. I have kibble and meat and gravy and the humans have pasties and baked potatoes. Then Daddy and Bryn play football in the street and we watch for a bit then we bark at some birds and then it is time for bed.
We just got to sit and wait now and hope them people make an offer. Daddy phoned the estate agent what is selling the house we want to buy today to make sure it was still for sale and it was so we is far.
Them have their lunch at the cafe in The Range and then they go to Lidl and buy some nice snossijs for us houndies to have as treats tomorrow.
When them get back Mummy makes everybody's picnic and cooks our snossijs, then we has tea. I have kibble and gravy. The humans have pizza.
On Sunday we get up nice and early for our day out with the pack. Tom and Bryn want to stay home so the big humans, Katie and Cerys and all us houndies do go.
We stop on the way to go for a wee. When we gets to the place, it is in Wiltshire next to a canal, Miss Tara is already there so we go and talk to Issy, Monty and Bert. We has not met Bert before, he is very handsome and sweet. Then Miss Louise and Mr Dave come with Frank and Penny. We all have hello hugs and then it time to go on the walk. Miss Diane and Miss Denise are leading the walk. It is a lovely walk, we have a good time with all our friends. We meet Mr Wayne and his minihuman and George and Ronnie and we meet Miss Sam and Mr Ryan and their minihumans and Shirley and Olly. We go to a windmill and eat our lunch, then we go to the pub and all the humans have a drink. While we is having our picnic the estate agent phones and tells us that the people from yesterday aren't quite ready to make an offer but when they do it will be £*secret money* and would we accept that? So we say we would consider it but we can't say if we definitely accept it. So her say her will let them know.
After the walk we is sad to say goodbye to all our friends. Miss Louise and Miss Tara is good fun and all their houndies are lovely. We can't wait to meet up with everyone again.
Then we gets in the car and has a sleep. We stops at the motorway services for a wee on the way home and have a little lie down on the grass to cool down cos it a warm day.
On Monday the estate agent phones and says the people from Saturday who may or may not make an offer would like to come for another view tomorrow evening. Then we goes for a walk before Mummy goes to get the minihumans from school and college. Katie, Cerys and Bryn did go swimming then they come home and we all had tea. I had meat and gravy and the humans had baguettes.
Today, Tuesday, the people come for another viewing. We go out for a walk with the minihumans. Katie and Bryn take Lotty down the village and me and Carly go to the castle with Tom. While we are out Mummy and Daddy say they will sit in the garden and let the people look round on their own. Them has a good look round and then they ask some questions and then they leave. Then we come back and have tea. I have kibble and meat and gravy and the humans have pasties and baked potatoes. Then Daddy and Bryn play football in the street and we watch for a bit then we bark at some birds and then it is time for bed.
We just got to sit and wait now and hope them people make an offer. Daddy phoned the estate agent what is selling the house we want to buy today to make sure it was still for sale and it was so we is far.
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